The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6752: The Powerful Who Should Die

This middle-aged man looks quite handsome, and with an indescribable evil spirit in his face.

The man bears his hands on his back, his temperament is deep and profound, giving a faint feeling, as if the middle-aged man in front of him is the real master of this world.

The middle-aged man who appeared out of nowhere made everyone at the scene feel embarrassed and completely unaware. What was his origin and what was his sacredness? !!

But compared to the confused look of everyone present, Bai Susu shook his body at this moment, and his entire face was quickly stained with a look of fear from the soul.

In the face of this middle-aged man, no matter how white pigment is, it is hard to forget in this life!

Almost forty years ago, Bai Susu was nothing but a nutmeg girl who knew nothing about the world, and she followed her master left and right since she was a child.

At that time, Bai Susu's master was naturally the last suzerain of the Red Lotus Sect.

But at that time, the master of the Red Lotus Sect that Master Bai Susu was not so peaceful, because at that time was also the start of a terrible battle between the five major alliance gates and the Nine Demon Hall!

At that time, the five major alliances in the outer world of the small gates were connected with each other, treating each other as brothers and brothers, abandoning the former, and jointly resisting the invasion of foreign enemies!

In the battle with the Nine Demon Palace, the five sectarian alliances took advantage of their deep foundation and many advantages to start a little and gradually master the initiative to fight the Nine Demon Palace.

But unfortunately, Bai Susu ’s master was killed by a traitor in the most crucial turning war and died on the spot.

For the man who killed Master Bai Susu, she once thought that the other party was the same as her own master.

However, what made Bai Susu never dream of is that the culprit who killed his master was not just dead, but is now alive and vividly appearing on Wulei Mountain, above the sky!

Coincidentally, not only is Bai Susu's heart trembling at the moment, but even Tian Hongwu of Wuleizong and several other highly experienced elders, at this time, all of them have changed dramatically.

In their eyes, an unprecedented absurdity and fear appeared. As the master of Wuleizong, Wuleizi couldn't hold his inner horror and anger at this moment, couldn't help exclaiming. Out loud, said.

"Jiu Mo live? !!!"


"How is this possible? Aren't you already dead and in that war 40 years ago ?!"

Looking at the people below, waiting, looking at the people who were full of surprise, horrified and waiting for all kinds of expressions, the black robe man with his hands on his backs, stood proudly, the corners of his mouth were raised, and his face showed a deep arc. , Road.

"Five Leizi, I haven't seen it for more than 40 years. Your true Yuan Xiuwei is in a state of harmony. Somehow you have grown a little bit, and finally you have reached a half step. You have turned your baby ..."

The middle-aged man's voice is full of special magnetism, and it is not ill, but it makes people feel uneasy and comfortable after hearing it.

But even so, Wu Leizi and Tian Hongwu and a group of eight people are still full of panic at the moment. It is hard to believe that what they are seeing is actually true .....

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