The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6755: None of you

I saw, Zhang Xiaofan slowly moved his neck, the joints made a crisp sound.

The next moment, the words spoken from Zhang Xiaofan's mouth instantly made the audience burst into an instant, and everyone couldn't help but look greatly changed.

"I think I've just made it clear!"

"Today, except the Five Lei Zong and Hong Lian Zong are spared, none of them are left!"

"I Zhang Wutian, I must do what I say, and I must do what I do. I just rely on your body and soul, and you want to talk about the conditions in front of me?"

"It's up to you, not qualified!"

With the fall of Zhang Xiaofan's words, everyone in the audience gave a slight glance first, and then their respective faces also showed a touch of astonishment.

In everyone's mind, Zhang Xiaofan will directly follow this step given by the real person of Jiu Mo, and directly borrow the donkey from the **** to make the matter small and small.

But who ever thought that Zhang Xiaofan not only did not accept the proposal of Jiu Mo Real People, but actually straightforwardly rejected it?

What else do you say, Jiu Mo lived at all not qualified to bargain in front of Zhang Xiaofan?

At this moment, Wu Leizi, Tian Hongwu, and Bai Susu all showed a deep sorrow on their faces. Obviously, they had very strong doubts about this decision made by Zhang Xiaofan at this moment?

You know, almost four or fifty years ago, the true devotion of these nine demon real people has been successfully completed from the magical realm. Great consummation, and stepped into the babies' realm of Nashua.

In addition, in that shocking battle, the nine real monsters were not assassinated by a lord of the five ancestral gates as they imagined at the beginning.

In this case, after a lapse of several decades, even if Wuleizi, Baisusu and others think with their own heads, they can realize that the real person of the current Nine Demon is more than fifty. Years ago, it would definitely be more powerful.

Even if it is Duan Tianmo who has stepped into the Huaying Realm and is holding the magic weapon ‘Nine Demon Halberds’, it is obviously going to be stronger!

But even so, in the face of such a terrible enemy such as Jiu Mo Ren, Zhang Xiaofan was already indifferent to it, and he did not take it into account at all!

As we all know, in the infantile realm, the gap between each small realm is like an abyss.

Therefore, for one of the infants of Dahuacheng. Dacheng, as long as they are willing to completely defeat the 10 baby infants. Xiaocheng, no effort at all.

In the eyes of Wuleizi, Tian Hongwu and others, although Zhang Xiaofan can crush the demon in the front, it is not fake, but his true Yuan Xiu should also be in the infant realm. Xiaocheng.

It's just that Zhang Xiaofan's infantile baby is obviously better than Duan Tianmo.

But if Zhang Xiaofan is to face a baby-infant. Dacheng's old monster, this is obviously not enough!

In this regard, the face of Jiu Mo is also slightly dimmed, the smile on his face is also a little, a little convergence, and the tone is extremely deep, said.

"Ha ha...."

"Unexpectedly, little brother, you are really insightful, you can see at a glance that old age is the soul ..."

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