The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6773: Did you just give up?

Just when Su Wanqing was immersed in "Song Jiangnan" by Zhang Xiaofan playing and singing, Bai Susu suddenly reminded her.

"Wan Qing, remember, before that, you should not mention it to outsiders, let alone let him know about it!"

Hearing this, Su Wanqing couldn't help but hesitated for a moment before she recovered from Zhang Xiaofan's wonderful singing voice. She was also very puzzled, puzzled, and Tao.

"Master, why?"

"Master Mozun is so powerful. If he shoots, you will surely be safe."

"If I stand on your side, it is natural to seek the protection of Lord Mozun ..."

Hearing this, Bai Susu shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"Wan Qing, you still have too little knowledge now, and you don't know the horror of that man, and the behemoth standing behind him, it's hard to make sense of it!"

"Moreover, according to my understanding of Zhang Xiaofan's character, if it were to let him know, then Zhang Xiaofan would certainly not sit idly by and ignore him!"

"However, the background and strength of the other party are too powerful. Even if he is unparalleled in the world and has great combat power, after all, it is only a mortal, and it is impossible to reach that mysterious level."

"Because of this, I don't want to involve Xiao Fan in any way, drag him down, and finally end up in a desperate situation ..."

Hearing this, Su Wanqing's heart flashed a hint.

It turned out that the reason why Bai Susu was unwilling to show Zhang Xiaofan to tell the other party about the huge crisis he is about to face, the reason is that everything is for Zhang Xiaofan's consideration.

However, this also caused Su Wanqing's heart to feel an unspeakable sourness, a little unwilling, said.

"Master, did you choose to bow your head to fate?"

"Down to fate ?!"

After hearing this, Bai Susu didn't say much. The only thing she could do was shake her head and smile.

Who is willing to bow to fate? Bai Susu, the master of the Red Lotus Sect, naturally did not want to name her.

However, that man, he is too powerful and overbearing.

Just by the man's thoughts, a casual sentence can determine the life and death of the Red Lotus Sect, or even the whole outer world.

Even if you use the anger of the emperor, millions of corpses, thousands of blood to describe it is no exaggeration.

Facing such a horrible existence, where does she have any capital to compete with?

Moreover, as the master of the Red Lotus Sect, she took over the Red Lotus Sect from the dying old Sovereign of the previous generation.

Since then, it has been decided that Bai Susu must be the master of the Red Lotus Sect, and naturally everything must be considered in the interests of her own sect.

For the Red Lotus Sect, even if she sacrifices herself, Bai Susu will not hesitate!

Watching a bonfire and singing a song "Jiangnan" by the bonfire, countless people were intoxicated by Zhang Xiaofan. The softest part of Bai Susufang's heart was a trembling.

"I don't know if I'm so honored after that, sit back aside and listen to this young man's singing sound like nature!"

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