The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6810: You came here to fight

"Oh, Qian Wenyi, you still want to do something to me? Do you dare!"

Qi Jinsheng's sneer of laughter, like a pot of cold water poured directly from the sky, gave Qian Wenyi a whole heart, and the fists raised high were also in the air.

Qian Wenyi put his fist close, but he couldn't get out.

After all, what stands behind Wu Jinsheng is that the entire ‘Panlong Club’ is the backer. It ’s too strong in terms of background and identity.

It can be said that Qian Wenyi is in front of Jian Jinsheng, and he is simply an insignificant ant!

If, if he is really here to fight against Jin Jinsheng today, that is to say whether he can continue to study at Peiping University, I am afraid that the entire emperor will no longer have her shelter!

Especially, when seeing Qian Wenyi's appearance nowadays, Cao Ruxue asks himself, how much he can't bear it.

But when he couldn't bear it, he was more helpless and deeply disdainful of Qian Wenyi.

Even though, Cao Ruxue had real feelings when treating Qian Wenyi.

But the so-called 'true feelings' are in front of money and everything. All of this seems so weak and unworthy.

Compared with Qian Wenyi, only by giving Jin Jinsheng who is in his arms, he is the real Chinese. The dragon among the younger generation!

At this moment, Cao Ruxue was increasingly appraising his decision to abandon Qian Wenyi in order to invest in Wu Jinsheng's arms.

In this regard, the sneer on Wu Jinsheng's face is also getting stronger, but if it is only to be so, it is far from the effect he expected at the beginning.

However, when Ji Jinsheng was searching his stomach and thinking about how to give Qian Wen an eye drop, he suddenly felt the position of his back of the head, and a sudden pain came!


The sound of crisp glass shattered throughout the bar.

卞 Jinsheng even covered his head on the back of his hand, and 踉跄 backward went backwards, with a deep and unbelievable expression on his face, a drop of red blood dripping from his fingers. , Creepy.

Shen Yueyue, Qian Wenyi, and Cao Ruxue, one or three of them were also shocked by the incident that happened in front of them, and they all looked in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan.

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan was holding the half of the vodka bottle in his right hand at this time, and threw it towards the ground at will, standing slowly.

"You ... you dare to hit me ?!"

Wu Jinsheng's face was full of anger, disgust, and glared at Zhang Xiaofan at this moment.

You know, his purpose here is to pick things up, so he insulted Qian Wenyi by taking Cao Ruxue, and then forced Zhang Xiaofan to take his own shot.

However, what makes Jin Jinsheng never think of is that this little fan is not only hands-on, he is so decisive, but so fierce.

Actually, he didn't agree with each other, so he took a bottle of wine and brought an open scoop to his head. The slap of Jin Sheng was called a forehead.

"You just said so much nonsense in front of me, didn't you just want me to stand up to you ?!"

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