The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6869: Zhang Wutian Weiyi

"Last night, Brother Pei, you mentioned that the legendary man who had no ancient people before him and no one who came after him, Wutianzun. Zhang Wutian, one man alone, created the Siam Holy Gate."

"After that, what happened? Whoever laughed at the end of the battle between Zhang Wutian and Shengquan Gate ..."

I saw, looking for Haoyu with a look of excitement, on his face there was a fanatic look like fanaticism.

Aside from Zhao Yingxuan and Ye Qingsen, they turned their heads with deep curiosity and respect.

No matter how proud they are, how they think they are great.

But in the face of the seven characters, "Wu Tian Mo Zun. Zhang Wu Tian", there is only one who bows his head!

Although Zhao Yingxuan is not a person in the cultivation world, because of her fiance Ye Qingsen's relationship, she is also more or less aware of some of the big names in the Chinese cultivation world.

And this "Zhang Wutian", who has the title of Godless Demon, can definitely be called the horrible existence that really stands at the top of the pyramid!

I heard Zhang Wutian's heroic deeds, which can only be described by the word 'Legend'. Even Zhao Yingxuan herself could hardly restrain her inner excitement and excitement. !!

Seriously, if it wasn't for her fiance's own words, she would really have no way to believe that there would still be such a powerful and horrible existence in this world!

By one's own power, they swept a country's cultivation world. What is this concept? !!

This is simply, far beyond their understanding!

"That's right, brother, your news in all aspects is indeed more informed than we are."

"At the same time, Master and his elders often inform you of things related to the international spiritual community."

"Since you have already opened this head, you may wish to disclose some more information, so that we can admire, admire, the majesty of Zhang Wutian!

Ye Qingsen also nodded and laughed.

As a matter of fact, he is also an aspiring young man who wants to learn more about all kinds of things about Wutianzun. Zhang Wutian.

Even if he knows that he must never set foot in Zhang Wutian ’s cultivation and realm in this life, but he can just listen to it, and it ’s great to have an addiction!

After all, with such a young age, he has become a great generation of great masters, and no one in this world can keep him indifferent to him.

Seeing that Zhao Haoyu and Ye Qingsen were both urging themselves, Pei Yuanqing nodded slowly, and then the voice continued again, said.

"After this, Wu Tianzun Zun. Zhang Wutian even broke into the holy fist door alone, one person with one fist, and the whole holy fist door was pressed up and down!"

"Just when he defeated the Lord of the Holy Fist and Sebayu to the front, he suddenly appeared on the battlefield with 30 unexpected guests and attacked Zhang Wutian!"

"And a terrifying battle officially kicked off ...."

Having said that, Pei Yuanqing's complexion also became very serious, and his voice was equally dignified.

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