The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6897: Really water poplar

But it is undeniable that as a romantic woman who has been in the land of fireworks for a long time, Zhao Yingxuan is naturally the most aware of how she can attract a man's attention.

Moreover, when Zhao Yingxuan was with Ye Qingsen, she traveled to various social places such as nightclubs, bars, and KTVs. Her bones were not the same type of woman. Even if it was described by water-based poppies, that was also It's no exaggeration.

Therefore, Zhao Yingxuan did not forget to pull down her neckline and pull down without any traces when she bent over Fu Changyun's head, revealing a large white area on her chest, which appeared.

Fu Changyun also glanced at Zhao Yingxuan's chest position, but quickly regained his gaze again. The two eyebrows were also slightly scratched without any trace, and then looked at the side again. Zhao Guofan, Tao.

"Mr. Zhao, this is the marriage object you want to introduce to me ?!"

During the conversation, Fu Changyun pointed his finger at Zhao Yingxuan, without any intention of covering up, and even with deep disdain and anger in his tone.

Although Zhao Yingxuan can also be described as pretty.

However, in the small world of the outside door, she was used to the beauty of the majors, Zhao Yingxuan beauty of this level, in his eyes, Fu Changyun's eyes, said that the woman is 'rouge vulgar powder' are all lifting Is Zhao Yingxuan alright? !!

Compared with the real beauty in the outside world, this Zhao Yingxuan doesn't even have to mention shoes for others.

Although, this marriage arrangement was an agreement reached between Elder Yanzhuang's Neimen and Zhao Guofan.

Because of this, Zhao Guofan, a disciple of the Flame Sect, had to condescend to go to the secular world to marry a secular woman who had never met before.

Even before leaving, the elder of the inner door repeatedly told Fu Changyun that this was just a walk through the field, and it was impossible for him to form any restrictions on Fu Changyun.

But having said that, if he wants to marry a rouge fan like Zhao Yingxuan, he still feels quite panicked.

Prior to this, Zhao Guofan blew his granddaughter rare in the sky and never on the ground. He even used the word 'tianxian' to describe his granddaughter.

It is precisely because Zhao Guofan blows up the sky, that Fu Changyun was somewhat curious, but now he saw it with his own eyes, which really disappointed him!

In this regard, Zhao Yingxuan herself was also a little surprised, and then she looked at Zhao Guofan with a little surprise.

To be honest, at this moment Zhao Yingxuan also naively thought that her grandfather was thinking about what new unmarried lady he had temporarily arranged.

Moreover, objectively speaking, when Zhao Yingxuan was treating Ye Qingsen, the relationship between the two could not be said to be true or not. You just happened to be meeting, because of coincidence.

If she had any better choice than Ye Qingsen, Zhao Yingxuan would definitely not hesitate to kick Ye Qingsen directly.

And Fu Changyun in front of himself, regardless of his identity, background, and personal ability, must leave Ye Qingsen a hundred streets away, okay? !! !!

Because of this, Zhao Yingxuan was not only half-hearted in her heart .....

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