The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6945: Werewolf form

Even if he is as strong as Zhang Xiaofan, it seems to be lowly, small and humble existence in the eyes of the mysterious youth, and he has no fear of it.


Just listening, the young man was screaming in the sky, and the muscles on his body were like the balloon blowing up, and began to expand outward at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Immediately after that, with the swelling of the muscles all over his body, the hair he loved around him was also seen by everyone. It started to grow an inch, and grew into a thick black, like the fur of a beast.

Not only that, the young man's face, muscles, left and right hands, and legs were undergoing extremely amazing changes. A dreadful, horrible werewolf face gradually appeared.

In his mouth of blood basin, the silver fangs refracted all the colors, a drop, a drop of viscous saliva spilled on the ground under his feet, exuding an extremely thick, pungent stench.

Originally, it gave people a handsome, handsome young western man. In a short time, his body suddenly rose up ten feet and turned into a werewolf.

The huge change that happened in front of him also made Wang Guoqiang and Ling Qingxuan look at each other with dread.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, he looked at the werewolf who was five meters high in front of him. The expression on his face had not changed in the same way as before, only a touch of astonishment had passed through the depths of his eyes.

He really did not expect that in this world there really existed such ethnic groups that should have existed only in ancient records.

"Dark wolf ?!"

Dark descent wolf demon, this is a very special and full of mystery.

Zhang Xiaofan has never seen the appearance of the dark-born wolf in the more than two years of traveling on the Chinese mainland, but this does not prevent him from seeing many Chinese ancients in many ancient books describing the 'dark-wolf' Many descriptions of the demons.

Ancient, mysterious and powerful!

These three extremely simple gifts have basically explained to the world all the characteristics of the 'dark wolf demon' itself.

In the ancient Chinese books, this is the description of the "dark wolf demon" group.

Reinforced iron bones, black hair and stone skin, feed on humans, and treat predators as prey, killing people like hemp and orcs!

Two years ago, when Zhang Xiaofan saw all kinds of news about the 'dark wolf demon' recorded in the ancient books, his heart only faintly felt that this mysterious and ancient group was quite mysterious and strange.

Regarding the many characteristics of the 'dark wolf demon' group, it seemed to Zhang Xiaofan at the time that it was similar to the strange world in the Shan Hai Jing that was once seen in the ancient books of Shan Hai Jing as a child.

It was just a look. After the initial sigh, I quickly put it all behind me without paying attention.

The world is vast, and the earth where humans live has a long and long history of 4.5 billion years.

In these billions of years, naturally it is impossible to only give birth to a human civilization, and many of these special ethnic groups have created civilizations.

For example, Atlantis civilization, Mayan civilization, etc ...

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