The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6968: The God of Pursuit

In response to this, Lev Tolski shook his head and grinned, saying.

"We are now at a depth of a thousand feet from the ground. It is impossible for the Russian border guards to detect the wind and grass!"

"Of course, this is just just a special ability that is exclusive to our dark wolves. As a mortal Zhang Wutian, he naturally will not have such means."

"If Zhang Wutian innocently pursues and kills us, he must only chase from the sky by his means."

"But until then, the radar outposts of the Imperial Russian and Russian border soldiers will definitely have insight into the whereabouts of Zhang Wutian!"

"When that time comes, if Zhang Wutian still wants to chase us down, he will have to weigh it, weigh it, and anger the emperor and Russian border fighters."

"Even if it is as strong as the skyless demon. Zhang Wutian, it is definitely not dare to rush to the frontier of the Russian and Russian border guards!"

After hearing the detailed analysis of his uncle, Belikov finally put the heart that hung high in his throat back to his throat.

However, when the two nephews of Berikov and Lev Tolski, one after the other, fled wildly.

But I do not know that a peerless great **** is chasing and killing them at a speed comparable to light.

The Russian-Russian border post, a radar station sentry responsible for the investigation of the Russian-Russian border airspace suddenly changed.

I saw that the sweat of the size of soybeans could not be exuded on his forehead. According to the display on the computer screen, he could only see a faint and faint spot of light. The state moves.


The speed has approached 1020 meters per second, which means that ... this is actually Mach 3? !! !!

"This ... what the **** is this ?!"

The light spot on the computer screen is moving rapidly at an ultra-high speed unimaginable by ordinary people, and this speed has not meant any attenuation, but it is getting faster and faster.

"Difficult, is the radar showing a failure ?!"

After seeing the three times the sound speed of 1020 meters per second displayed on the computer screen, the radar sentinel thought that the radar had made a mistake, but a more terrifying idea came out of his mind. Out.

"Difficult, is there an enemy attack ?!"

With this in mind, the radar sentry suddenly stood up from his chair, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

He really didn't quite understand it. Now it's not the age of **** wars.

In the present era of peace, how could such a sudden attack occur?

Moreover, if it is really an enemy attack, then this is not 'fighting without declaration', and the nature of the event is much worse!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that from the perspective of radar monitoring data, the comer is by no means a supersonic fighter or an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, because these aircraft cannot achieve such speeds at all.

Because the area detected by this radar is really ... too small. If ordinary people do n’t pay attention, they wo n’t find this anomaly .....

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