The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6979: Order of the Wolf Demon

Among the eight eyes of the eight of them, an unspeakable vicissitudes and years are revealed to the outside.

One of the silver-haired old men first set his eyes on Zhang Xiaofan's body, looked up and down, and then turned his eyes to Lev Tolski, and opened the door to see the truth.

"Levtorsky, this time you directly used the Dark Werewolf Convocation Order to let us eight people go to this place. What happened?"

Dark descent wolf demon assembly order, that is a unique communication method among the dark descent wolf demon family.

But this is only a way of communication that can only be used among the dark wolves.

Earlier, Lev Tolski's howl was the prelude to the Dark Weaver Assembly Order.

And this time the eight old men he summoned, one by one, among the dark descent wolf demon, are also extremely respected.

If you have to rank these people up or down, then Lev Tolski can only be ranked ninth at the very end.

Lev Tolski hasn't opened his mouth yet to answer. The eyes of these eight people turned around, and they saw the northern country snowfield violently. They were going back and forth, rolling, convulsing and struggling. .

After seeing here, the faces of the eight people who came suddenly were all sinking together.

"Belikov? !!!"

These eight elders, they took steps in almost a moment, as if they could break through the space barrier in front of them, flashed directly to the side of Belikov.

The eight old men bent down to investigate, but noticed that there was a very powerful and terrifying light element in Belikov's body, buried deep in the heart of Belikov.

However, this force is constantly dissipating towards Belikov's limbs and skeletons, and the little vitality left on him is constantly, bit by bit, devouring.

The eight elders noticed a series of anomalies that occurred in and around Berikov's body, and they used their own methods to try to help Berikov to resolve this light attribute power in his heart. .

However, after a series of attempts, the temptations of the eight old men ended in failure.

It can only be seen watching Berikov in front of himself, step by step, towards death, but they can do nothing.

The eight old men turned indifferently, and their eyes fell on Zhang Xiaofan.

It was not until now that the eight of them realized afterwards that the real purpose of Levtorski's gathering of their party with the Dark Wolf Demon Order was here.

"You did all this ?!"

I saw that one of the eight people looked at Zhang Xiaofan, arrogantly, and said.

In his eyes there was already a surge of murderous power.

"Yes, it's me!"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were cold, with a little smile, said.

"It is rumored that the dark wolves were cut off from the offspring after that terrible war, but for now, this statement is obviously exaggerated."

"What really surprised me is that there are still so many Dark Wolf wolves in this world."

Eight old men, they first glanced at Belikov ...

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