The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7003: Kill without pardon for the enemy

The sword gas came across the sky, and the huge sword edge didn't mean to stop at all.

The Dark Wolf Emperor was suddenly shocked by the sudden change, and did not make any response, and the wise crescent-shaped sword mang was already chopped heavily on his chest.

"Uh ..."

With the sound of a soldier's blade breaking into the flesh, Yin Hong's blood filled the sky even more.

The look on the Dark Wolf Emperor's face was still extremely dull, and then he looked down at his chest.

I saw a scarlet blood stain that was shocking. Although the wound on the chest was not too deep, it was enough to make the Dark Wolf wolf deeply shocked by the incredible.

At this moment, although the whole person is only in the state of a soul body, living between this heaven and earth.

In any case, the root reason why the Dark Wolf Emperor can survive in the world is that he is surrounded by the same essence and blood as the nine Great Wolf Kings.

Therefore, from a certain perspective, although the Dark Wolf Emperor at this moment is in a poor state of the soul body, there is no difference between the two as far as the real body is concerned.

As we all know, the horror of the physical strength of the Dark Wolf Emperor is enough to allow countless practitioners to compete for it!

However, Zhang Xiaofan, was he able to use a sword to cut himself? !!


"How is this possible? !!!"

The only thing left in Bilkowski's entire face was the deep horror, horrified, and the three of them stood far away, looking away from each other, but they were indifferent. Anyway, I don't know what to say.

"Wu Tian Mo Zun. Zhang Wutian, not only did he break the defense of the Dark Wolf Emperor with one sword, but he could hurt his body and let the latter see blood ?!"

So amazing, so bad record.

Even in the end, Zhang Xiaofan is still invincible in the fate of the north, which is enough to make all the practitioners in Europe and even the whole world be impressed and admire!

Zhang Xiaofan hurt a dark wolf emperor's body with a sword.

"Which is king is king, to Zhang Wutian, it is not fundamentally different."

"Under the sky, whoever wants to be my enemy with Zhang Wutian, kill without amnesty-!!!"

Domineering, arrogant words reverberate between this heaven and earth, for a long time, Zhang Xiaofan still stands proudly above the sky.

Although, if you want to be purely physical, Zhang Xiaofan is indeed more than ten times smaller than that of the Dark Wolf.

But the body shape is the body shape, but if it is about its own momentum.

The aggressive momentum revealed by Zhang Xiaofan's whole body seemed to be as high as a mountain. Compared to the dark descent wolf emperor, it was also better than nothing!

Bilkovsky was shocked again and again. It can be said that what happened in front of him was refreshing his cognition again and again, his three perspectives.

The strength of the Dark Wolf Emperor himself has been proven by history, and there is no need for his descendants, Bill Kowski, to point and draw more comments.

But even so, Zhang Xiaofan can bravely fight as a human ...

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