The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7016: Let's bury with the emperor

In the polar snowfield world, Zhang Xiaofan initially took the waves of rockets to wash the ground, and at the same time he had to deal with the dying counterattack of the Dark Wolf Emperor.

But what Zhang Xiaofan never thought was that the rocket scrubbing was not all. After that, the Emperor Russia directly used the BLU-28 vacuum bomb. Although the aftermath of its explosion did not seriously damage Zhang Xiaofan, the aftershock of its shock wave was This made Zhang Xiaofan fall directly into the center of the Dark Wolf Emperor's Wolf Seal.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan stumbled into the 'Wolf Seal' array, the blood-colored mask had formed a tetrahedron, square, and besieged Zhang Xiaofan as a whole.

"Huh, you ca n’t do anything with the vacuum bombs. Do you really think that the seal of the wolf devil in this area can make me incapable of Zhang Xiaofan? Ridiculous!"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered, his right fist clenched, and then he swung out like a heavy cannon, attacking one of the blood-colored masks.

After a punch, the blood-colored mask fluctuated more and more, ripples from it.

However, although the blood-colored mask is rippling, the toughness of this mask is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. There is no sign of being broken at all, and it is still intact.


Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then a few punches banged like rain.

However, this blood-colored mask is like a very sticky tooth, which is difficult to tangle with nougat. After being attacked, the changes that can be produced are limited to the shape, but there is no sign of fragmentation.

"Human, you don't have to think hard."

"This is a high-density hair handed down by my dark-born wolf demon wolf gods. The moment you are covered by the devil wolf seal, your area is already in a different dimension."

"If you want to escape, it's just a crazy dream, ridiculous!"

"You slaughter my dark-born wolf demons, even if the Emperor is a desperate soul, and the miserable end of the reincarnation will erupt, the power of all his soul will erupt, completely exile you into the dark space, and let you be The violent, overbearing power of space cuts and dies, annihilating the dust from the dark space ... "

After hearing the words of the dark-born wolf emperor, Zhang Xiaofan's pupils suddenly shrank, and they immediately shrank into a dangerous needle shape.

However, before waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to think of other means to escape from the trap, a blood-colored mask surged up, completely covering him.

The four blood-colored masks on the sky also disappeared without a trace, and then the blood flashed.

Originally, there was nothing above the scorched earth ruins, and Zhang Xiaofan's figure completely disappeared on the open space, and disappeared.

"Hahahaha ....."

"Although the emperor died, how could you Zhang Wutian live alone? Although the emperor died together!"

The dark wolf emperor's madness, the hysterical laughter resounded between this world, echoing endlessly.

Subsequently, the figure of the dark descent wolf emperor was also under the rebellion of Xingtian. The colorful light of the magic gun was gradually and completely dissipated in the void and disappeared ...

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