The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7032: What year is it now

Not to mention, Shelbakova is so beautiful, and she also graduated from Koromonosov State University in Russia.

He is also a very well-known senior scholar in the field of exploration and archeology. Such a talented beauty is naturally favored by the expedition.

Not only him, but everyone around him, except Ariksai, gathered their eyes on Sierbakova.

In this regard, Sherbakova's eyebrows are also slightly clustered. She knows that she is still immersed in the previous shocking scene and cannot extricate herself.

Shelbakova swears that she must have seen a figure of a man bathed in red light all over his body, standing on the sky.

She even faintly saw that the red-light man was still wearing an iconic black mid-mountain suit and short black broken hair, combined with the aggressive momentum diffused by his body last week. Just like the black demon came to the world.

However, Sherbakova and her companions apparently have no one to believe in their previous rhetoric.

This is also very confusing and very headache for Sierbakova.

However, while Sierbakova was still immersed in the shadow of the man like the "devil", a sudden voice came quietly from the storm clouds behind their expedition.

"Does any of you know what year it is?"


The crowd sitting next to the fire in the cave was all surprised. The captain of the expedition, Ariksai, suddenly stood up, and found a sharp dagger from the backpack on the side, and the rest The crowd waited, and they each took out their weapons and made a self-defense gesture.

In this world where thousands of miles are frozen, thousands of miles of snow drifts, and the vastness of the world, under the premise of endless and uninhabited Liao, suddenly one more person will come out at this moment, and it is better not to let everyone not Scared, not trembling? !!

The people present were all nervous and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that in the sky and snow world, the figure of a young man who looked slightly thin was not indifferent. Slowly strolled in the direction they were in.

The upper body of the young man was nothing more than a plain black mid-mountain suit, and he did not take into account the extreme cold temperatures of -15 degrees and six degrees in the West Siberian Plain at this moment.

In addition, the face of the man in the Zhongshan suit is also handsome and extraordinary. He has short black broken hair and flutters in the wind. The black eyes are more like a black hole. It's just like the gods in heaven.

A lot of goose feathers and snow fell nearby him, and they were easily excluded by a repulsive force without exception.

"Scream ....."

"You guys ... you see the position under this man's feet!"

Just when everyone was horrified by the unusual dress of a young man, someone suddenly said in a low voice.

The word fell, and everyone looked at him in the direction of the young man in the sundress.

Sure enough, they saw the only surprise in their lives!

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