The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7035: Can you bring me

Shouldn't he be ...

Should it not be the legendary angel or the devil ...

Whenever thinking of this possibility, Shelbakova only felt that little heart that yearned for adventure at that moment, and began to beat.

If she were to be an ordinary woman, she would have obeyed her parents' orders early and married a grand master of a magnificent city in Qianding.

However, Sherbakova has been quite rebellious since she was a child, and she has her own ideas and ideas.

Therefore, Sherbakova chose to leave her family and was admitted to the best Monosov State University. She also chose the Department of Archeology and came to the West Siberian Plain by herself. , Every corner of this place, every boundary.

"Return to Lord, this is the map to Tarijin City. You go southeast and move forward for about 1,000 kilometers, and you will reach Tarijin's suburban location!"

Alexie found out the map from his mountaineering bag, and respectfully handed it to Zhang Xiaofan, and never forget to help Zhang Xiaofan point out the direction to go next.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Alexei cooperated with himself so well, Zhang Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction.

He glanced briefly at the map, and instantly remembered the large and small complex landmarks and routes in his mind, then turned around and walked towards the snowy sky. .

As for the people of the expedition, none of them dared to say anything.

Obviously, this group of people are jealous and cautious about this rather mysterious oriental man.

However, just as Zhang Xiaofan was about to disappear into the blizzard, suddenly a crisp, nice female voice came from behind her.

"Sir, can you also take me with you?"


After Meng Buding heard these words, Zhang Xiaofan's steps forward couldn't help but give a slight meal. He turned around halfway, and there was a touch of interest on his face.

All I saw was that Shelbakova had the courage to stand up from the crowd. Although he could not stop trembling all over him, she was still courageous and continued to Zhang Xiaofan. .

"Sir, I can see that you seem to be looking for something important."

"If you can take me along, it will also reduce your troubles and make you take less detours."

"Also, please do n’t look at my younger age, in fact, I have already traveled throughout the entire territory of Russia. I know all the landmarks and cities on the western Siberian plain ... .. "


Hearing this, the handsome western man sitting beside her, he couldn't help reminding him with a laugh, said immediately.

In this regard, everyone present also looked at Shelbakova one after another with this shocked and inexplicable look, as if she hadn't figured it out for a while, why did she do such a stupid act like a self-catching net?

After all, the Oriental man who suddenly appeared in front of them was too mysterious and too powerful. The group of people in their expedition was too late to hide ...

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