Then even if you hide at the end of the earth, the end of the world, Zhang Xiaofan's revenge must be reported!

Along the way, Serbakova, as Zhang Xiaofan's 'Live Map', has often pointed out various strongholds and important directions for him.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan voted for Taobao and Lee also taught Sherbakova some interest-adjusting and tuna skills.

However, since Druid Connorson dared to send someone from the Far East Theater after this, he dropped a BLU-5 vacuum bomb on him.

Since you're doing the first day, don't blame me for being fifteen!

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan is not far away, and he has been killed along the Trans-Siberian Railway. He will not slash the head of Druid Conason, and will never stop!


Zhang Xiaofan and ‘Leopard’ ran forward one after the other, and soon left the platform and reached the forefront of the station.

Originally, there should be many staff members at the train station here, but at the moment it was empty. Only two middle-aged Emperor Russian men were standing there.

However, the two middle-aged and middle-aged Russian men are both tall and burly. They look like they are only thirty-five or six years old. They have a golden half-length hair, five facial features, axe cuts, and are dressed in dark brown army with KGB logo. Coat.

As far as the other person is concerned, his age is obviously older, and he is full of heads, wearing the old military coat of Emperor Russia in the last century.

Moreover, this military coat was obviously worn for a long time, and it was slightly pale, but it was so meticulous and straight in the white-haired old man, like a sharp sword hidden in its backbone.

"Druid Connorson, Deputy Director of the Oklahoma, and the third-generation leader of the Scarlet Wolf."

At first glance, Zhang Xiaofan focused on the golden middle-aged man, his eyes narrowed for a moment, and the origin and identity of the other person was slowly in his mouth.

On the way from Khabarovsk to the City of Thousands, Zhang Xiaofan along the way did not know how many KGB agents were killed and interrogated them one by one.

So, how could Zhang Xiaofan not recognize Druid Conason's stupid appearance?

Since entering Emperor Russia, the biggest enemy he has to face is standing in front of himself. At this point, Zhang Xiaofan is not as anxious as he was on the road.

In this regard, Druid Connorson also looked at Zhang Xiaofan. His blue eyes were a little frowned, and he was silent, but stood respectfully beside the old man in the military coat, as if he had seen his own head. My boss is so respectful?

"Sir, Zhang Wutian is here!"

The leopard came to the silver-haired old man's side, bowed his head slightly, whispered, and said.

"Ah ... hh ..."

The silver-haired old man had an old cigarette holder inside, coughing from time to time, and constantly spitting clouds.

At this point, after hearing this, he slowly turned around, exposing a wrinkled, wrinkled face.

The old man is observing its direction, and he is very ten years old. Among the old eyes, he also reveals the sense of vicissitudes that belongs to the years.

As if to see this old man, Zhang Xiaofan subconsciously remembered that he once had a side of China. Dragon God, Long Shengtian.

At the beginning, when Long Shengtian looked at himself, he used a look similar to the old man in the military coat in front of him ...

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