The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7095: Facing Zhang Wutian

Similarly, Druid's pupils in his eyes suddenly contracted into a dangerous needle-shaped shape at this moment. For the first time, he looked directly at Zhang Xiaofan.

Although, Druid he has seen Zhang Xiaofan's horror thousands of times from videos, photos and various documents.

Also a year and a half ago, I witnessed the terrible battle with the Dark Wolf Emperor on the Great Plain of West Siberia.

But even so, to say that face to face with Zhang Xiaofan really face each other, this is the first time in Druid's life!

Such an astonishing momentum is almost on par with that of Master.


Even in a certain way, Zhang Wutian is better than Master?

Is it possible that this is the ultimate strength of the Golden Body? !!

At this moment, the druid could not help lowering his proud head, and he was secretly thinking about something terribly.

Looking at the audience, there was only the old man in the dark green military coat, Beria, who was still standing in the same place as before, but was a pair of old eyes full of vicissitudes, but suddenly shot two Dao Jingmang came, the blood-red color rose wildly, and the huge and unmatched spirit Wei Ya emerged from the body, and instantly met Zhang Xiaofan's eyes and the golden Shenmang hardly met together.

The crunching sound of blood and gold in the mid-air bursts of 'cracking ....', as if the substantive mental powers collide with each other in the void, a series of dazzling bursts out The fireworks are coming.

"His Excellency Zhang Wutian, old decay has just explained a fact, there is no intention to threaten you at all."

"Since the Great War that swept the entire world, no one except the Dark Wolf Emperor that you previously slain, has fallen to the ranks of others."

"They are almost without exception, they have fallen in the hands of the United States, the two superpowers of Emperor Russia!"

"Can it be done, Your Excellency Zhang Wutian really doesn't know how to be flexible, and you have to rip off the skin with our superpower?"

As Beria said, the momentum of her body began to rise gradually, and finally reached a point where she could completely resist Zhang Xiaofan's court.

As we all know, Bellia is a veteran who has been in the field for the rest of her life.

Therefore, the majestic, intimidating and murderous force, thousands of horses, and people shouting horses, make people seem to be in the battlefield of Shura instantly.

At the same time, Beria is also a man who stepped out of the dead pile step by step from the cruel years of blood and fire.

Compared with Beria, the Dark Wolf Emperor is like a long-lived mountain, never experienced the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield.

Therefore, Bella could not beat the Dark Wolf Emperor in terms of individual fighting will or in combat skills.

At this moment, the momentum of Zhang Xiaofan and Beria was like two huge incomparable grinding discs, which hit and rubbed together fiercely in the void.

The entire range of several hundred meters was covered by Zhang Xiaofan and Beria, the two most powerful golden figures.

It is calm and calm at a distance of 100 meters, and the current is turbulent within a range of 100 meters.

The leopard retreated at this moment, and eventually withdrew more than a hundred steps before he could stabilize his body .....

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