The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7100: Confrontation of Golden Body

On the other hand, the leopard has retreated from the beginning to the present, and has quickly retreated a long distance.

At this moment, Leopard's pretty face was full of shock and horror. He looked at the two men who were in the center of the storm. Even as strong as a druid, he didn't dare move forward at this moment.

"Boom ....."

Although Zhang Xiaofan and Bellia have not yet started a head-to-head confrontation, the mental coercion between them has been hard and hard.

The reason why the Golden Body Realm can be dubbed the 'Golden Body' by the world is because the self-cultivators at this level are already 'indestructible' and spiritually 'immortal'.

This kind of spiritual 'immortality' can still communicate with the mysterious power of the universe, the heavens and the universe, and exert its spiritual power as a deterrent force similar to that of the gods.

"It's crackling ..."

Beliya's spiritual power appeared like a **** sea, suddenly appearing in the void, with a thunderous trend, approaching Zhang Xiaofan in all directions, approaching in layers, like a wave of anger.

But looking back at Zhang Xiaofan, the look on his face was the same as before. Facing the waves of unresolved and recurring mental attacks from Bellia, Zhang Xiaofan just made a slight stroke in the void.

Suddenly, a dazzling, vast expanse of consciousness was directly cut open, facing the raging wave, bravely moving forward, and in a moment, it was already the blood-stained sea that was completely constructed by spiritual power The middle is divided into two and cut into two.

In addition, the blade of consciousness exhibited by Zhang Xiaofan had no meaning to stop at this point. Instead, he went on a blast and then shot out in the direction of Beria.


Perceived after this scene, a faint expression of unawareness appeared on Belia's face, he subconsciously punched a punch, and lightly bombarded the blade of that consciousness.

Although on the surface, there is nothing fancy in this Beria's punch, mystery is, at all, just making a simple to no longer simple, ordinary to no longer ordinary fists.

But it is such a **** action, in which is the road to cultivation that has been learned in the long and long period of 200-300 years.

Therefore, Belia's seemingly ordinary punch, even if there is no way to hit the enemy on the front, but the aftermath of its punch is enough to shatter a soul and its soul.

At this point, Beria was also incessant, making two punches at the same time, only then shattered the blade of consciousness released by Zhang Xiaofan!

This is also the second tentative attack by Zhang Xiaofan and the new and old generations of Beria, and it is clear that Zhang Xiaofan has the upper hand in this tentative attack.

However, for the outcome of such a match, Beria is still confident.

As we all know, the Scarlet Wolf family is the best and also the most powerful. From the beginning to the end, it is not a spiritual force or a soul power, but the horrible physical body of the wolf monster family that is in the world!

"His Excellency Zhang Wutian, are you sure you want to continue fighting with the old after going through the previous trials ?!"

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