The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7103: Beria's Wrath

Belia, a well-known Far East region, has more than 200 years, using her shoulders to support the veteran general who once trembled.

At this moment, no matter what, he can no longer suppress the anger in his heart!

Beria took a step forward, the crimson flames rising up from the sky, and his right hand opened with a pair of wolf claws. It's a claw in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan!

"Boom ....."

Along with this, after the attack of Belia's claw, the world changed with an instant.

It was huge and full of vitality, like a tsunami, swarmed towards the right paw of Beria, and finally condensed and formed into a huge blood-red wolf paw with a size of 5-6 meters, which was fiercely in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan Attacked.

The surging, gigantic spirit flickered up and down around the scarlet wolf paw.

Bella has a claw at hand, which is almost comparable to Zhang Xiaofan's smashing magic fist.

"Haha ....."

"This claw is beautiful!"

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help laughing loudly as he watched the howling coming, the huge wolf claw wrapped in endless power.

He also clenched his fists with five fingers and blasted out with one punch.

Zhang Xiaofan's fist almost did not use the slightest vitality, purely relying on his own spiritual power, thus moving the world, the surging, vast metal power all converged on Zhang Xiaofan's right palm, and turned into a foot There are dozens of feet of red gold **** fist.

"call out--!!!"

The red gold **** fist whistled out, suddenly suddenly and hardly shook with the scarlet wolf claw on the front. .

At that moment, the void in front of Zhang Xiaofan and Beria was also shattered, and the two invisible and colorless turbulences slammed together like a comet hitting the earth.

In a hurry, the invisible and colorless howling winds formed vortex storms in the void.

At this moment, Mo is said to be ordinary people. As long as the self-cultivation of their true elements is lower than the divine realm, the former will also be shot into pieces by the overbearing wave of authentic energy in an instant.

"嘭 ..... 嘭 ..... 嘭 ....."

After one claw, Beria didn't make any stop at all, and the non-stop was again a fierce wolf claw attack.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan was also reluctant to show weakness, and a crushing divine fist came forward.

The red gold boxing fist and the scarlet wolf claws once again slammed together in the midair, shaking the roar of the road.

Zhang Xiaofan and Beria are also playing fast. In an instant, Beria made 21 claws in succession.

Similarly, Zhang Xiaofan was reluctant to show weakness, and successively made twenty-one punches.

The two men pointed their needles at Mai Mang, letting this majestic, turbulent howling wind collide with each other.

For a while, the river turned like a sea, and it was shaking!

This turbulent, surging gale, starting with Zhang Xiaofan and Beria, swept away in all directions, moving buildings near platform 3, stone pillars, and even those trains still on the track, followed by the terrible shock wave. Set off for the echo.

Moreover, the aftermath of this attack has not come to an end, but it has continued, passing to a distance of 200-300 meters away, and then gradually rested .....

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