The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7108: Beat the enemy in one punch

This approach is close to the law of the gods, violates people's three views, and tries to break away from the scope of ordinary martial arts.


Zhang Xiaofan's fist, tortured and torn, usually smashed Beria's nine Scarlet Wolf claw marks directly on the front.

From then on, it was even more aggressive, and in a magical way, it penetrated the body's body suffocation in an instant, shaking him stiffly on the chest.


There was a muffled sound, like the dull sound of a heavy hammer hitting the shield.

And Beria, he is a chest coat that was hit by Zhang Xiaofan's fist, which burst directly from the inside to the outside, and the invisible and colorless fist punches made his entire chest position immediately. He sunk inward.

At a glance, it looks like it was hit by a full-loaded train on the front. The whole person was flattened out of thin air more than once, and the punches of the body were in a forward direction. And behind him was a golden punch.

At the same time, Beria's body went backwards uncontrollably and madly, with a volley of more than 10,000 meters.

On his way, Belia smashed dozens of walls, glass, and stone pillars. From platform 3 of the train station, he directly hit the other end, and almost no trace was visible.

Defeat the enemy with one punch!

The leopard was a hundred meters away, and it was stunned, as if he saw the fall of the King of Fighters!


Here, I haven't waited for the leopard to return from the previous shock. On the outside square of the railway station ten thousand meters away, he suddenly shot a scarlet Changhong!

This scarlet Changhong went straight to the sky, and when it was empty, it hurried towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Before the **** Changhong was approaching, the leopard could feel it very clearly. The oncoming, richness was almost so intense that it could not be turned away.

In an instant, this is what makes people feel like falling into a nose-to-hell, if not for the entire railway station, they have been evacuated early by KGB agents.

Then, just the scene that happened before us is enough to make thousands of people scared and exclaimed.

Scarlet Changhong flickered in front of a group of people, and the leopard subconsciously took a few steps backwards. With a close look, he saw that it was not someone else. It was Bellia who had just been punched by Zhang Xiaofan!

I saw that this veteran gold body supreme strong man who has become famous in the world for hundreds of years, the Scarlet Wolf Demon Master.

At this moment, it is such a great figure of the Grand Master level, but there is no immortal style of the Grand Master, which is imposing.

On the contrary, Bella's whole person was extremely embarrassed from head to toe, and a dark brown military coat was already in ruins, which also revealed the dark green soft armor layered like fish scales.

Strange to say, just the punch that Zhang Xiaofan just uttered was enough to completely tear up Beria's physical defense on the front and directly crush his chest ribs.

But at this moment, take a closer look at the golden fist print that was originally imprinted on the position of Belia's chest, but at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, at a point, a little quickly, it is as good as it was ...

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