The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7153: My sword can still kill

"Now is the time to remind them well, to remind them that Gusu and Jiangnan people know that I can kill someone with a sword!"

Throughout the banquet hall, the people of the Ke family had never dared to show up.

However, when Zhang Xiaofan said ‘I am Zhang ’s sword, I can still kill someone! ‘After that, there were many guts who were timid, and they were frightened, and the whole person rolled down from the chair and sat on the ground.

As for Ke Jiasheng, his knees were weak, ‘嘭 ——! ’With one knee on the ground, hoes like a pounding garlic, again and again, said.

"Master Zhang, all this is my Ke family's fault, it's all my Ke family's fault ..."

"Rest assured, my Ke Jiasheng will now lead the Ke family out of Gusu, right ..... it should be out of the land of Huaxia, and never return to China."

"Master Zhang, I only ask that you have a large number of adults, and you can let go of this old and young woman in my Ke family ..."

"Father, why are you so afraid of this guy!"

"It is true that Zhang Wutian is very powerful, but even if Zhang Wutian is even more powerful, I still don't believe it. He really has the courage to dare to destroy my house of Ke family ?!"

"How could the Emperor Chen family and related departments watch him do all this ?!"

At this moment, Ke Kaihang's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers. Instead, he saw his father kneeling in front of Zhang Xiaofan, scratching his head and begging for mercy.

I saw that the young master of the Ke family suddenly stood up from his position, his eyes stared coldly at Zhang Xiaofan.

"That's right ..... husband, we and the emperor. The Chen family can be described as the same branch, they can't just sit idly by anyway!"

At this moment, not only Ke Kaihang, but also his mother, Song Lirong, is also lip-pumping, whispering, saying.

"Emperor Chen family? !!!"

After hearing the words of Ke Kaihang and Song Lirong, Zhang Xiaofan even shook his head and sneered, and in his eyes he passed a charming coldness.

"Almost a month and a half ago, in Harobavsko on the western plains of Siberia, I killed the chief commander of the Russian Far East Theater, Selokov, alone."

"It's reasonable that your group of ants-like families didn't know about such a shocking thing, but I ask you, what is unknown to your Ke family, how can he not know the Chen family? "

"However, the interesting thing is that the Emperor, who knows all of this, knows nothing about the Chen family."

"I don't think I need to say that you should also be clear, what kind of attitude does the Emperor Chen family have towards your Ke family now?"

"what did you say?!!"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's remarks, Ke Jiasheng was as dead as a chicken, stiffened there, and his pupils suddenly contracted into a dangerous needle shape.

Not only is Ke Jiasheng like this, but even the rest of the Ke family, after hearing the news that the great people of the Chen family gave up and abandoned their Ke family, they immediately felt that their entire soul was emptied. In general, the last backing in their hearts collapsed, without exception, they were paralyzed in a chair with their eyes blinded and unable to move ...

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