The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7168: Beheaded by the mediocre

For a long time, he Xia Canghai, two and a half years ago, at the shore of the West Lake. Broken Bridge, had witnessed Zhang Xiaofan and Qin Zongzhuang in a shocking battle!

As a famous earthquake area in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Xia Canghai, which is also a ‘earhead snake’ in Chenzhou, how could he be unfamiliar with Zhang Xiaofan?

Therefore, Xia Canghai responded to Zhang Xiaofan's self-reported home for the first time.

"Wo Tian Mo Zun. Zhang Wutian? !!!"

With such an appellation, the whole courtyard was reached, and the courtyard fell into a deadly silence.

As for the black bodyguards who each held a May 4 type pistol, they were all stunned on the spot. All of them looked at Zhang Xiaofan in shock.

There is no doubt that in the area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Wutianzun. Zhang Wutian is a real legend!

Even if it was two years ago, Liu Yunhai wrapped his farmhouse. Chi Youtang ’s mighty power flattened the entire Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Jiangnan area. It was only because of his sublime power in Liu Yunhai. Xiao Cheng ’s true Yuan Xiu Wei, do n’t try to replace Zhang Xiaofan in the crowd. Absolute status in the heart.

You know, in this group of big brothers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, in recent years, it has only relied on Zhang Xiaofan's breath to reluctantly.

At first, there was a pair of Song Qiaosen who grasped and grasped all the events in the audience. At this time, he also changed dramatically, looking at Zhang Xiaofan with incredible eyes.


"You are the godless demon. Zhang Wutian can't do it ?!"

"But if you are really Zhang Wutian, shouldn't Zhang Wutian have died tragically on the western Siberian plain two years ago?"

"Even if ..."

"Even if Zhang Wutian has three heads and six arms, and has the power to penetrate the sky, it is absolutely impossible to escape the death bombing of the BLU-5 vacuum bomb!"


Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's two eyebrows froze slightly, his right hand print changed, and a dazzling Jinmang shot from behind him.

Suddenly, this bright golden mang had pierced Song Qiaosen's throat.

Then, the inverted golden awn was a direct 365-degree turn in mid-air, one by one across the necks of the men in Xia Canghai.

"Click ....."

Under the eyes of Xia Canghai's unbelievably horrifying eyes, the one who sat in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and successively defeated the strongest in the Su family, like the undefeated God of War, Song Qiaosen, was actually a dead body, and his head fell.

As for the Xia Canghai's black bodyguards who rely on it, there are no exceptions. They were all beheaded by the golden light in the blink of an eye!

Under one sword, Zhang Xiaofan kept on killing 21 people including Song Qiaosen.

It can be described as the place where Jin Jian has passed.

For a time, the peacefulness of the courtyard courtyard, which was still peaceful and peaceful, soared into the sky, and the pungent **** smell was irritating Xia Canghai's nerve that had already stretched to the extreme.

"Om ..... Om ..... Om ....."

"After Tian Cong Yun Jian flew a full circle, he was circulating around Zhang Xiaofan's body. The sword body was shaking slightly, and it seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied."

"This behavior is like blame Zhang Xiaofan in the invisible. How can it be that such a mediocre person can be killed by it?"

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