The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7181: Liu Yunhai

"Or, the emperor pressed the nuclear button directly!"

"In short, the world is vast and the world is big. If he is allowed to do whatever he wants, isn't it going to be a mess?"

"Besides letting it go, let's just say that our peasant family was a knight in the past. He did not dare to confront the Emperor Russia with all the power of the peasant family. However, how dare he challenge Zhang Wutian to be a strong country in the world?

"This is simply Lao Shouxing eating arsenic, so tired and crooked ?!"

Said, Liu Yunhai snorted heavily, and then said.

"In addition, even if you step back ten thousand steps, if Zhang Wutian can really come back alive from the heavy sniping of Emperor Russia, then there is a long way from Emperor Russia to White Deer City. There is no ten days and a half months, he Zhang Wutianneng Can you come back? "

"Have a hundred hearts, we have enough time not only to set foot on Jiangnan Su family, but also to knock on Luo Yurou's young lady's skin, and rob Zhang Wutian's treasure in Huaxia!"

The word fell, and Liu Yunhai's waist-wearing sword was black and black, as if echoing the words before him, saying, "Oh .... um ... um ..." The sound of Jianming.

After hearing Liu Yunhai's remarks, the elder in red also felt a little peace of mind. The heart that had just hung up was finally put back in his belly. He looked at Liu Yunhai and continued.

"Can it be done, in the territory of Emperor Russia, there is no such thing as a supreme power with a golden body ?!"

Although the elders in red are the first of the four elders of Chiyoutang, among the hundreds of peasants, there are huge forces that existed thousands of years ago.

Since ancient times, the peasant family has honored the ancient Shennong family, mastered the art of grain, and pursued the tenet of "the earth and all things, the Shennong will not die, and they will be the princes.

Peasant disciples are all over the world, and rangers and hermits pop up. The farmer disciples are many upright chivalrous men, but they are unpredictable, long hidden in the field market, do not seek to reach the princes, is the largest number of disciples in the hundred.

. Therefore, and many secrets about the farmhouse, even the elders in red know only one of them, and the other.

But Liu Yunhai, as the new owner of Chi Youtang, naturally knows these secrets.

"Ha ha....."

Dior is a superpower that has stood in the world for more than a century, and is a red polar bear that competes with Uncle Sam.

According to the details of this emperor, how could the supreme strongman without the golden body sit in the town?

Talking, Liu Yunhai was sneer again and again.

"Imagine that in the past, the Scarlet Wolf emperor, Beria across Europe, Southeast Asia, and all kinds of battles, many of them fought against Uncle Sam's army."

"For this reason, Uncle Sam even mobilized a right to strengthen the brigade, and failed to encircle him.

"Even in a large-scale important battle between the two sides, in order to kill this Beria, Uncle Sam almost didn't press the nuclear button directly to bomb him!"

"But in the end, because of the emperor on the Russian side, he finally gave up this idea ..."

"Even though, the last knight of our farm had once frankly said that Beria was a rare genius in a thousand years!"

"Although, Bella is a family of scary goblins, whose physical strength is extremely powerful ....."

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