The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7184: Kill the horse first

Later, at Liu Yunhai's farmhouse, Chi Youtang's prestige, when he came to the south of the river, he was like a grass on the wall, and he came to Liu Yunhai's Majesty for the first time.

After that, he became Liu Yunhai's "horse pawn" for a period of time.

However, it was this way that the first 'Ma Tsai' who turned to 'Liu Yunhai' had only one skull left at the moment, which was cut off from the neck with a sharp weapon and thrown into the hall.

If you look intently, you will find that Chu Guanghe's face still has complex expressions of fear, fear and remorse.

As if, before Chu Guanghe's life, he encountered something that was difficult to describe in words.

"What kind of person did you dare to kill Chu Guanghe!"

After seeing the person's face, the elder in red was also unspeakable in his heart. He growled and screamed. On a mature and charming face, there was no smile and his face was gloomy. Dripping water.

Originally, Chu Guanghe was their farmhouse. Chi Youtang took the lead when he first settled in Jiangnan after he first settled in Jiangnan.

However, Chi Youtang's capable man was killed casually in the end, and even if he was killed, he did not forget to throw the head of Chu Guanghe's head in front of all the people present. This is simply the fruit of Chi Guoguo who is provoking to their farmhouse and Chiyoutang.

"It is actually the head of Chu Guanghe. It seems that the man in our hearts who we do not want to face the most, he is back!"

Liu Yunhai also quickly recovered from the shock of seeing the head of Chu Guanghe Xiang. He slowly stood up, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were sharp like a knife in the direction of the broken window. Meal, said.


After Meng Buding heard these words from Liu Yunhaikou, for a while, the elders in red had not responded yet. What the **** was going on?

Immediately after, she saw that the closed door in the hall was pushed open from the outside.

Soon, a young man wearing a black standing collar Zhongshan suit stepped in, as if walking around his back garden, completely ignoring the farmhouse standing in the hall. Chiyoutang's four elders and the current Chiyoutang chief Liu Yunhai !!

"Boy, who are you?"

When the elder Tsing Yi saw the person, he was about to subconsciously ask a cold voice, but the elder in red became a bloodless face, and he could not stop shaking.

It took a long time for the elder in red to squeeze out such a sentence from the gap between the teeth.

"Wo Tian Mo Zun ... Zhang ... Zhang Wutian? !!!"

The name Zhang Wutian seems to have a magical power that is indescribable, making people subconsciously hold their breath.

At that moment, the original crowd was still full of enthusiasm, and the noisy hall was inevitably quiet.

As if, even at the moment, even if a pin is dropped, a sound can be heard on the ground.

The four elders of Chiyoutang, and all the elite gang members in Chiyoutang, were stunned by the name, unbelievable.

The young man who looked plain in front of him actually was that they had just been discussing in the hall for a long time, and one person could be an enemy and one country.

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