The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7186: You are also a ant

Therefore, Liu Yunhai did not make any dead hands without any room to recover, but just waited to see if it was true that Zhang Xiaofan was dead.

In this case, even if you take a step back 10,000 steps, if Zhang Xiaofan is dead, there is still room for maneuver with Zhang Xiaofan.

After all, Liu Yunhai is confident that he has a hundred children, and the farmer is backing up.

As long as he doesn't do too much, Zhang Xiaofan should keep one eye open and one closed, not too real.

However, judging from Zhang Xiaofan's attitude as a vice teacher, it seems that this matter may not be so easy to do.

"Shao Wenqiang!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked calm and slowly revealed a name.

"What did you say? Shao Wenqiang!"

After hearing the words "Shao Wenqiang" in Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, Liu Yunhai was even more likely not to smile directly.

After a long while, Liu Yunhai only suppressed her inner solitude, and asked Zhang Xiaofan, crying and laughing.

"His Excellency Zhang Wutian, you and I are both cultivators, the supreme task that truly stands on the top of the pyramid in this world!"

"In contrast, Shao Wenqiang, Chu Guanghe, and Xiang Nantian, although they seem to be famous in the south of the Yangtze River, no one knows or knows the three giants of the underground Jiangnan.

"But in my eyes, Shao Wenqiang, Xiang Nantian, Chu Guanghe is just a sad existence like ants."

"If they knew each other, they would still be fine, but what if he didn't offend me and he was chopped by me?"

"How can such a humble, small existence get in your eyes?"

"His Excellency Zhang Wutian, if you have a demand, our farmhouse can give you one hundred, one thousand such as Shao Wenqiang anytime, anywhere."

The baby is the god!

Once the cultivating one has entered the infantile realm, it is completely comparable to the beginning of mortal sanctification, and the golden realm above it is everything else, like a semi-immortal supreme existence.

If it is based on this and further flying fairyland, it will be no different from the fairy!

Ordinary people like Shao Wenqiang can only dominate the hegemony in the Jiangnan area, but if it is placed high above Liu Yunhai, there are hundreds of people. From the eyes of the farmer Chiyou Tangtang, it would be nothing substantial The difference.

In Liu Yunhai's view, Zhang Xiaofan was one of the most famous legends in the world. This vision has already surpassed mortals, and he can enter the eyes of others. I am afraid that there is only one big country and one territory?

No matter how great Shao Wenqiang is in the secular world, how can he be like Zhang Wutian's eyes?

"You can't deny it, Shao Wenqiang is just a small ant-like existence in your eyes."

"Come and call, if you are displeased, killing him is a trivial matter, and after a few days, you will be left behind."

"But in your eyes, why aren't they ants?"

With that said, Zhang Xiaofan sighed and looked at Liu Yunhai without sorrow or joy, like the ever-changing floodland.

Heaven and earth are unkind, and everything is a dog!

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's remarks, the smile on Liu Yunhai's face was a little bit, and it converged a little, gloomy, said.

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