The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7188: Liu Yunhai

Zhang Xiaofan's face was calm, word by word, faint, said.

And with his words, in the rain of the sky there was also a sound of exclaimation, and the sound of the sword out of the sheath.

The sword qi stretches for hundreds of miles, and the cold mang goes straight to Jiuxiao, as if there was an electric mang across the night.

In the end, a symphony of gold and iron came along, and in the end, I only heard a very fragile ‘click’. The sword broke and died.

When Zhang Xiaofan's last word was slowly spit out, Tian Cong Yun Jian had flew back to the hall again. The blood stains on it were spotless, as if it was not just killing people, but just going to swim in the mountains.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, he did n’t even have the interest to check whether Liu Yunhai was dead or alive from the beginning to the end, but he had a flat look, closed his sword, put his hands on his back, and stepped back into the vast rain curtain. No trace, as if the dragon had not seen the end.

There are only 112 headless corpses in this hall, and Liu Yunhai's black sword, which was broken into two pieces, and his skull, which was swollen and widened to death, was silently speaking to the world. What happened during this rainy night.

Zhang Xiaofan traveled a long distance, fought thousands of miles, and killed 1,111 people in succession.

This is like the 'Knight' of the Tang Dynasty, killing one person in ten steps and staying for thousands of miles.

But the storm of the night was only a prelude to the turmoil in the whole Jiangnan.

After dawn, the whole Jiangnan and even Huaxia, the world will be frightened and disturbed .......


Early next morning at 3 am.

Hangzhou West Lake Golf Villa, Hangzhou——

Looking at the entire city of Hangzhou, it is one of the best. Any villa with a price of more than 100,000 in a single-family villa area is lonely at the moment. In addition, the place is sparsely populated, and it is even responsible for villas on weekdays District security guards also rested in their respective security rooms.

"Jingle Bell......"

Shen Yingyue was awakened from her sleep by a rush of cell phone ringtones.

Because of work, Shen Yunyue carried two mobile phones with her, and her mobile phone was always muted before going to bed, for fear that someone would disturb her private time.

The other personal mobile phone stays on for 24 hours.

In addition, being able to talk to four people at three in the morning is basically a very important call.

Therefore, even at this time, Shen Minyue reluctantly reluctantly, but she could only pick up the phone with her head brazen.

"Hey, is it Uncle Li? What happened, call me early this morning."

Shen Minyue first lit her bedside lamp, and the other side of the cell phone heard Uncle Li's anxious voice, said.

"Ma'am, the big deal is bad, and a fire broke out at the Kejia villa."

"According to the first-hand news from the personnel who went to the fire brigade, all the high-level members of the Ke family gathered inside the villa, without exception, all died in the banquet hall, and no one survived!"

"Uncle Li, what did you say? !!!"

After hearing Uncle Li's voice in the earpiece of the mobile phone, Shen Haoyue's original drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and the whole man fought fiercely, and instantly woke up a lot.

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