The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7199: Zhang family must not be humiliated

As for Mr. Zhang Zhengguo, he closed the door directly and no one saw him.

Those from the major families in the Jiangnan area came, and even Zhang Zhenguo could not see him. They could only see Zhang Xiaoqiang, the junior of the Zhang family, and they were very indifferent. Disappointed.

However, at this time, the Gusu Zhang family ignored the Zhu family and the Lu family more and more, which indirectly strengthened the determination of these families led by the Zhu family and the Lu family.

"Nothing wrong, this is definitely the return of Lord Zhang Wutian!"

"If it weren't for Zhang Wutian's backing, then the Zhang family would never dare to be so energetic ..."

The senior members of the major families in the Jiangnan region are secretly pondering each other in their hearts. The attitude of the whole person is more and more respectful, cautious, and afraid that they will not offend the Gusu Zhang family.

After all, the lesson learned from the Gusu Ke family was lost to all of them.

Nowadays, Zhang Xiaofan just cut off the chief of one of their families, but if some of them have no eyesight, they will not be allowed to be killed by Zhang Wutian on that day, and they will go to the Ke family to see him. Lord Yama, okay?

Moreover, in the Jiangnan area, many of the family's talkers are all eyes and ears, and they can vaguely notice that the wounds seem to be very ambiguous in this case. The attitude of calming things down, wanting to make small things small and small things small, simply unwilling to do more on this matter.

In particular, there are some family members who have a way to go further. The person sent by the relevant department to preside over the investigation of this case is said to be a woman named Leopard. This woman has something unusual with Zhang Xiaofan. The relationship is.

I heard that before the leopard was performing a secret mission in Dongpu, he was rescued by Zhang Xiaofan, who had a life-saving grace for the leopard.

In the face of his own life-saving benefactor, I believe that only the guy who has his mind in the cement will not be able to blame Zhang Xiaofan.

They don't want to use their own heads, where to go as Zhang Wutian's sharpening stone.

On this day, the entire Gusu and even the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas were upset and uneasy. Thousands of people widened their eyes, and looked at Gusu in horror, and looked at Gusu Zhang family. Take a closer look at the legendary man in that myth.

Gusu. Zhang family's true man!

Wutianzun. Zhang Wutian, he is back!

Upon his return, the deities were sacrifice with the blood of twenty-one large families from above and below the city of Gusu, and the heads of many 'big men' in black and white with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas were announced to the world.

"Zhangjiazhiwei. Don't be humiliated!"

"The insult will die!"


At Peiping University, when Zhang Xiaofan stepped into this century-long famous university, he was a little bit uncertain.

Right now, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know if he is going to see his little girlfriend Zhao Yinger who hasn't seen him for a long time, or to find some whereabouts of Luo Yurou.

After all, since Zhang Xiaofan chased Luo Yurou in the last night of Long Knives, no one came to answer the other end of her phone ...

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