The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7202: See you again

Although Zhang Xiaofan learned from Su Yuanming's mouth about a series of huge changes in the Luo family, but after learning this news from the nurse's sister, he also faintly flashed an unknown thought in his heart, as if things were far more important than himself What is even worse is imagined.

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan said goodbye to the nurse nurse, turned around, and hurried towards the No. 3 inpatient building.

Along the way, the hospital building was filled with the smell of very formalin, and the temporary arid beds set up on the aisles inside the hospital building were filled with patients, and the corridor was crowded. Full of people.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan also felt that this place was more like a 'concentration camp'. If he had to find out the difference between the two.

This is a 'legal business'. People in the inpatient building look forward to the stars and the moon, and hope that they can be cured as soon as possible and be discharged early.

The people outside the building tried everything to squeeze their heads to get a bed in this building.

It is true that if there is a choice, people outside the building naturally don't want to come in, but after all, they will have a variety of reasons to live in this building.

As if this is the ultimate destination of people .....

On the 10 搂 corridor in the No. 3 building of the inpatient department, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes can be seen everywhere, patients in wheelchairs, or lying in hospital beds, and family members of patients who are responsible for **** and vigil. .

And Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be in a completely strange world at this moment. He couldn't imagine it for a while. Why did Luo Yurou, who was once a daughter of the Luo family, stay in such a place?

According to the house number of the ward, Zhang Xiaofan searched all the way from east to west, and finally found 1021 ward.

Then he noticed that although there were three beds in the 1021 ward, the two beds were empty at the moment. Only a woman with long hair and a waist was sitting in a wheelchair with his back to him.

Zhang Xiaofan came to this ward and asked subconsciously, "Hello, may I ask Luo Yurou here ..."

However, before waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to tell her the second half of the sentence, the woman in the wheelchair was shocked by her upper body.

The next moment, the woman's hand holding the wheelchair armrest could not help but force, so that her knuckle position began to pale, and her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Zhang Xiaofan's heart is unavoidable ’One step, three steps and two steps, came to the woman and looked intently.

I saw that the author was a beautiful young woman in this wheelchair, but she was pale and scary.

This girl is not someone else, officially Luo Yurou!

This surprise is indeed trivial.

For a time, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't believe what he saw before him.

Where did Luo Yurou, who was so glorious and proud, go?

In the past, why did Luo Yurou, who did not let the eyebrows, become what it is today?

Mindful of this, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but squat slowly, holding Luo Yurou's hand with both hands.

However, Luo Yurou was like an electric shock. When Zhang Xiaofan's fingertips just touched the back of her hand, she shoved back.

Zhang Xiaofan grabbed an empty space, he felt like his mind was split by a flash of lightning ...

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