The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7206: Pursue your own love

The current Zhang family has long been ruined by some speculative youngsters!

However, this is true of the Zhang family, which is being protected by people from relevant departments such as Lu Jianming, not to mention the isolated Luo family?

It has long been a target set by all forces.

When Zhang Xiaofan was thinking in his mind, he heard what Luo Qingshan said, and then subconsciously said, "Tao."

"What should you expect?"

Hearing this, Luo Qingshan's eyes inevitably crossed a look of remorse and pain.

He looked up at the sky and looked at the blue sky, as if remembering something.

"At first, when Yurou was just born, my eldest son Luo Hongwu found a senior to help Yurou get his name."

"In the beginning, the expert said that Yurou's five elements belong to gold, and there was a hidden murderous spirit between her eyebrows. In the future, her character will be rigid and strong, and she will be 50,000."

"However, at that time, in order to punch her such wicked name, I named her Luo Yurou."

Speaking of this, Luo Qingshan could not help laughing, and then continued again, said.

"However, I was young and vigorous, and I was an atheist myself."

"I was just listening to the man who got the superior name and named her daughter Luo Yurou, but after training her, it was exactly the same as training his brother Luo Hongwu, very tough and harsh.

The opposite Zhang Xiaofan heard this, and there was a touch of thoughtfulness on his face, and he immediately shook his head as well, full of emotion, Tao.

"Looking for a child and becoming a dragon, and looking for a woman to become a phoenix, this is what the parents all look forward to."

"And my contacts with Luo Yurou over the past few years have shown that Yurou also has the grace of everyone, which is not comparable to ordinary women."

In this regard, Luo Qingshan also sighed, said.

"Unfortunately, it is the expectation of someone I Luo, which in turn hurts Yurou!"

"For so many years, I have put my will again and again, hoping to impose it on Yurou."

"I hope that in the future, my eldest son, Hong Wu, will be able to carry forward Luo's family with Hong Wu.

"But all this is just my own wishful thinking, but I have never asked Yurou for her own opinions."

"In the beginning, Yu Rou was very obedient to all my arrangements, and very much left it alone, but ...."

Speaking of this, Luo Qingshan said a slight pause. He looked up and stared directly at Zhang Xiaofan. He slowly spoke and said.

"Until Yurou met you, Mr. Zhang, she started again and again, showing a sharper and more rebellious mentality."

"No, to be precise, what she really desires deep in her heart is what she desires is just a little bit awake!"

"Yu Rou, she is more eager for freedom, she is eager to pursue her own love."

"Ask what is love in the world ..."

Speaking of this, Luo Qingshan shook his head and shook his head, a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Love is really a crazy, desperate thing."

"For this love, Yu Rou really did what the master had said twenty-five years ago, and did something better than broken ..."

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