The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7209: Familiar breath

However, after coming to the ward, Zhang Xiaofan saw at a glance that Luo Yurou was falling on the floor, and the wheelchair fell aside.

As for this woman, Luo Yurou, clasped her hands to the concrete floor, struggling and crawling forward, her eyes looked at the insulation barrel on the cabinet not far away.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan felt that his whole heart couldn't help tightly for a while.

He hurried forward and immediately lifted Luo Yurou from the ground and put it back in the wheelchair.

Later, after hearing the news, Luo Qingshan, who saw the scene in the ward, couldn't help but sigh deeply, he said.

"Yu Rou, why are you so stubborn?"

"Things like this, why don't you let the nurses do the work for you? You have to do it yourself!"

For his father's words, Luo Yurou always clenched his teeth, and his teeth were on his lower lip.

Her face covered with frost, but her eyes were faint with tears flickering, but all this was suppressed by her stubbornness, but her eyes were slightly reddish.

At this moment, Luo Yurou's last hope was to let Zhang Xiaofan see what she looks like now, and she turned her head to try to avoid Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was because of the moment when Luo Yurou was assisted, he felt it faintly. In Luo Yurou's body, he had a very familiar atmosphere, echoing the Jiuyang Zhenqi in his body.

Zhang Xiaofan subconsciously captured Luo Yurou's hawk wrist, and accurately explored his pulse.

However, after such a simple investigation, he immediately found out that Luo Yurou's body also had any similar pure Jiuyang qi in his body.

After Zhang Xiaofan's confusion, it was then recalled that Luo Yurou was dazzling with his ears every day. After several life and death adventures, the natural yang of his body naturally poured into Luo Yurou's limbs and bones.

After realizing this, Zhang Xiaofan was also moving at the moment, he thought secretly.

"It is true that Luo Yurou is now seriously injured, but all the bones and internal organs around her are intact."

"Besides, Luo Yurou still has Xuanyin Qi from this place, and Jiuyang Qi from my yang to gang."

"The two are strong and strong. That's not as simple as one plus one equals two!"

"In the face of such a magnificent Xuanyin Qi and such a domineering Jiuyang Zhenqi, how can it be that the blood in the spine can not be eliminated after all? How is this possible?"

However, as soon as this thought passed away, Zhang Xiaofan finally reacted afterwards.

"I see, this must be Luo Yurou herself does not know how to adjust her breath."

"It is also officially because Luo Yurou did not know how to adjust her breath, so she would not know the Baoshan now."

"Right now, if I mobilize my Jiuyang Zhenqi and cooperate with some of the Jiuyang Zhenqi and Xuanyin Qi that were left in Luo Yurou's body, it will definitely help Luo Yurou to remove the blood congestion and tumor in his body. Exhausted. "

"However, after congestion and tumor have been eliminated one after another, Luo Yurou will be able to stand up again after a simple rehabilitation afterwards!"

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