The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7229: Just want to eat your fried vegetables

"So are you hungry now?"

Luo Yurou said nothing, and pushed the food in front of him directly.

"I can't eat anything until I have eaten your own meals."

In response, Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, he nodded and said.

"All right, you wait for me here."

Then, Zhang Xiaofan simply cleaned up and walked out of the ward.

And Luo Yurou on the bed saw Zhang Xiaofan actually walked away as she said, and she reached out subconsciously, ‘oh—! ’Shouted, trying to stop Zhang Xiaofan.

But before Luo Yurou shouted his words, Zhang Xiaofan had already left the ward and disappeared into the corridor of the hospital.

Seeing this, she couldn't help thinking again.

"No, is he really going home to cook?"

"Just now I....."

"I just mentioned it casually. If I call him like this, will he be mad at me, will he feel that I have a princess disease, miss lady?"

With Zhang Xiaofan's departure, Luo Yurou's heart began to fail again and again. She only felt that the time passed slowly at this moment, one minute and one second, and she was living like a year.

In just one and a half hours, she sat on the bed alone, as if she had been staring for a century.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiaofan's figure appeared in the ward again that Luo Yurou's heart hanging high in her throat at that moment was put back into her chest.

"Now hungry?"

Then, Zhang Xiaofan took out a large insulated bucket and several insulated lunch boxes from the canvas bag he was carrying, and put them one by one in front of Luo Yurou.

"In a hurry, I ca n’t make you a big fish or meat. I just made a few home-cooked meals. You eat a little bit, and I ’ll make you a‘ big meal ’another day!”

After hearing that, Luo Yurou also quickly got up, opened the insulated lunch boxes one by one, and saw that there were shredded pork in Beijing sauce, dried baby vegetables and small fried meat in the farm. These were ordinary food that could not be ordinary .

If, in the past, you would have changed to a lady like Luo Yurou or Luo Qianqian's lady, all these would be unsightly dishes.

But even so, the same dishes fell into Luo Yurou's eyes. These simple home-cooked dishes are the first-class colors, aromas, flavors, and delicious dishes in this world.

Although, she has not really tasted it herself.

Luo Yurou, she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, barely moved forward, and wanted to taste it well.

Zhang Xiaofan saw Luo Yurou's action was not convenient. He also rushed into the mountain concept and helped Luo Yurou to sit up straight from the bed.

Luo Yurou smiled at Zhang Xiaofan sweetly, sandwiched a piece of Beijing sauce shredded pork, put it in the mouth, chewed it carefully, and tasted it.

After eating halfway, Luo Yurou's eyes started a little bit, and a little bit turned red.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but say in a very exaggerated tone.

"I'll go, won't I?"

"Is Zhang Xiaofan so unpalatable in cooking? You cried even when it was so bad ..."

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