The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7235: Moisture into the body

Now, Zhang Xiaofan is all immersed in how to plan Luo Yurou's follow-up treatment.

Zhang Xiaofan, who hopes that Luo Yurou can get up from the wheelchair as soon as possible, naturally does not think so much as Luo Yurou thinks. Ambiguous thoughts didn't even respond.

His current thinking is also very simple. He just wants to dry the sweat from Luo Yurou's body. It's that simple.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan also used his own majestic and overbearing Jiuyang Zhenqi to help Luo Yurou suddenly open up a lot of strange veins and eight veins, as well as key points.

Therefore, Luo Yurou now has all the pores on his body wide open, which can be described as an empty door.

Provided that the sweat on Luo Yurou's body cannot be wiped away by the first time, then after the sweat naturally evaporates, part of the moisture will enter the body along the body's pores.

In the end, these water and gas will pass through the eight strange veins, and gradually become moisture accumulation in the human body.

And this kind of symptom is always called 'wet evil body' in Chinese medicine.

In today's society, many people don't care much when they are young. When it rains, they walk in the rain and soak their bodies.

Or, after sweating hard, you sweated a lot and did not wipe it with a dry towel in the first place.

Then, this moisture will directly enter the human body, and when there is a small problem in the bones, then this moisture will swim along the cycle of popular blood and blood, and where will follow The formation of rheumatoid joint disorders.

And Zhang Xiaofan, he is a cultivator, and he is also a deep golden body supreme strong person. He has long been invincible from the cold and the heat, and the water and fire are inaccessible. He can easily exhaust all the moisture into the body by luck.

Although Zhang Xiaofan was able to do all this easily, it did not mean that Luo Yurou could do the same.

At present, if Luo Yurou's body is wet into the body, if Zhang Xiaofan wants to exclude this moisture from her body, it will naturally take ten times more, and a hundred times more energy, to expel it than his own luck. Can do it.

Because this moisture will be in the process of small weekly movement in the body because of human arterial blood, it is like a "thief" who sneaks into the human body, and will see stitches and drill when it is empty, but where to prevent leaks inside the body , Where it goes in.

And if Zhang Xiaofan wanted to expel these moisture from Luo Yurou's body, he would have to expend a lot of energy first on a large-scale carpet-type search in his body.

After searching, Zhang Xiaofan was in one by one, dissipating these moisture from Luo Yurou's body one by one.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's heart is fully substituting himself as a 'healer'.

As the saying goes, the doctors do not shy away, and Zhang Xiaofan naturally didn't think about so many 'men and women's incompatibility' at this moment. He just picked up the towels on the side and steamed the residual water in the towels with the vitality in his body. Then began to help Luo Yurou wipe the sweat from the upper body.

At the very beginning, Zhang Xiaofan wiped the sweat of Luo Yurou's neck.

But not long after, his hands naturally top to bottom, gradually down the position of Luo Yurou's jade neck, touched her jade back and began to wipe ...

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