The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7241: Stop children crying at night

However, in Su Wanqing's mouth, she couldn't help whispering.

"This guy, Zhang Xiaofan, walked for more than two years as soon as he left. In the past two years, he had no news and his life was unknown."

"Among them, many people rumored that it was Zhang Xiaofan who had died on the Great Plains of Western Russia and Siberia."

"But even with so many rumors and rumors outside, you silly girl still believes firmly and waits for his return silently every day ..."

"As a result, even when everyone in China and the world once thought that Zhang Xiaofan had died with Emperor Russia, he actually returned, and still came to China in the form of the return of the king!"

"My goodness....."

"Yinger, you don't know. The first thing that man did when he returned to Huaxia was the turbulent storm that brought Gusu and Jiangnan around. Everyone is in danger. They ca n’t live all day long!"

"When my Master informed me, I couldn't believe it for a while!"

"The Ke family, so powerful and so overbearing, was actually given the tribe of Yiyi by that Xiaofan."

"Even even the twenty-first family, such as the Lu family, the Zhu family, and the Xia family, followed the Ke family's waiting list one after another, and Zhang Xiaofan removed the head of his family."

"In addition, the black and white gangsters in the major cities of Jiangsu and Zhejiang have the heads of Xiangshang. In that short night, he continuously cut off more than 1,000 Xiangshou heads!"

"Now, in the outside world, ask who is not smart and who is not afraid?"

"If you are going out of Peiping University now and say that your man is the famous Skyless Demon. Zhang Wutian, then it is estimated that the children can cry at night ..."

When speaking these words, Su Wanqing subconsciously recalled that once in Wuleizong, Wulei Mountain, Naha, the world, when the black man in the sky stood up, he could not help showing a strong worship. Wu murmured, said.

"Ha ha......."

"When Zhang Xiaofan returns this time, I'd like to see you in Yangcheng. How else can the Zhao family sit on the high platform?"

"In these two years, the people in the Zhao family are the young master who forced you to marry the Flame Sect every day."

"Even, even the children of your Zhao family, especially your so-called cousin. Zhao Yingxuan is even more ridiculous when she sees you."

"Seriously, if it wasn't for Yinger, you stopped by me, Su Wanqing would have gone up to give Zhao Yingxuan two old punches, and Bao Zunxi didn't even know her mother!"

"Besides, Zhang Wutian is not a good man, if I let him know about it, I'm afraid the whole city of Yangcheng. Will the Zhao family be completely removed from the whole southern Guangdong area?"

"At that time, even if the Yang family and the Zhao family were not similar to the Ke family, Zhang Xiaofan was given a tribe of Yiyi, but it was not much better than that, they would be turned upside down ..."

After hearing the words from her good girlfriend Su Wanqing, who was arguing with each other, Zhao Yinger was just frowning. She didn't say much about it, and she didn't just keep trying to protect Yangcheng.

After all, the Zhao family's series of actions in the short period of two years really made Zhao Yinger chill completely ...

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