The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7246: Heart disease healed

Well, even if he Chiyoutang came to the nest, it would still be in the powerful lethality of Fuyu's guards, and those who were killed did not return, and Yuyu returned!

However, these are what happened afterwards.

After all, the establishment of a force that only loyal to him, Zhang Xiaofan, is not something that can be easily solved by touching it.

To build a force that is only loyal to yourself, you must take your time and step by step.

Anyway, he Zhang Xiaofan currently owns the Celestial God Tree Manor in Qipanshan.

And, in the Baihua Valley, there are two big "hole cards" of Ai Duo who is responsible for the care and has a large array of 10,000 acres of medicine fields. For Zhang Xiaofan, he wants to cultivate a group of loyalty only. The strong, that's just a matter of time.

Now, the most important thing before him is Zhang Xiaofan.

First, let Luo Yurou get up again in a wheelchair as soon as possible, and the second is to go to the Jinmen Guo family, pick up Qin Xiyan, and get back a fair!

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan looked towards the east of the imperial capital, and his eyes flashed with cold light.


In the early morning the next day, Zhang Xiaofan still went to Peiping University Third Hospital to give Luo Yurou the next stage of treatment as usual.

After arriving at the hospital, Luo Yurou was leaning on the bedside, holding a mobile phone and brushing Weibo. A soft smile appeared on the corner of the girl ’s mouth, and there was no such thing as a pretty face. Rejecting the coldness of thousands of miles away.

Although the smile on her face was very light, Zhang Xiaofan felt that there was a kind of spring blossom and March day feeling in the whole room.

As a doctor, no matter what kind of illness the patient wants to treat, one of the prerequisites is that the patient's mood is the most important.

If a patient feels unhappy every day, and even has a fear of his illness, he is even wondering if he can live tomorrow.

Well, even if he was given a panacea at this time, it would not help, and he might not be able to cure his illness.

But even if you take a step back 10,000 steps, after the doctor reluctantly cures the patient ’s illness, if the patient ’s mood does not improve, it is still hopeless. If it is hazy, the illness will return one day.

And Luo Yurou's heart finally recovered again, and the whole person's mood has also greatly improved.

Looking at such and such Luo Yurou, the haze in Zhang Xiaofan's heart was also dispelled a lot, he went into the ward, smiled, said.

"Yu Rou, it looks like you are in a good mood today."

Previously, for Luo Yurou, her biggest concern was that she would have a great chance to be in a wheelchair for a lifetime, and she would never have the opportunity to stand up again.

But now, I know that Zhang Xiaofan has so much that I can treat myself, naturally, the heart disease originally belonged to Luo Yurou will be cured.

At this moment, Luo Yurou saw Zhang Xiaofan visit the hospital again, which made her feel happier and more joyful.

This joy, Luo Yurou also revealed the temperament of a rare little daughter, she slightly raised her head, facing Zhang Xiaofan, deliberately sullen, dissatisfied, said.

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