The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7249: Wanshui Qianshan accompany you

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Luo Yurou's cheeky face was unavoidable.

After seeing Luo Yurou's disappointment because he was unable to participate in the orientation party, Zhang Xiaofan then turned his words and went on to say.

"However, after I have treated your legs, let alone the opening ceremony of this school, I will watch with you all the time."

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's mention of this ‘thousands of water and mountains’, Luo Yurou's beautiful eyes could not help but brighten, she was excited, said.

"Really? Is it too much trouble for you ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but secretly said.

"For your sake, even your own family, and even the Jiangnan Luo family, have been ruined, and you have almost lost your life."

"If I am not satisfied with your little wish, wouldn't it be any different from that cold-blooded animal?"

Zhang Xiaofan thought so, and at the same time he continued, Tao said.

"What did you say?"

"After I treat your legs, let's take a walk and talk."

After hearing this, Luo Yurou couldn't help but smile.

"That's great. Do you start treatment now?"

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan didn't say much, just nodded slowly, and then Luo Yurou was lifted from the hospital bed in a princess posture, and then placed on a wheelchair.

Then, she pushed the girl out of the ward again and came to the small garden outside the hospital.

The treatment plan used by Zhang Xiaofan is still no different from yesterday, and also helps Luo Yurou's luck through his own Jiuyang Zhenqi.

However, this time Zhang Xiaofan was chatting with Luo Yurou while being lucky.

"Oh, by the way, is Yuro alone in this ward?"

Luo Yurou closed his eyes gently, slowly, said.

"I packed up two nearby beds. You know, I'm not used to living under the same roof with other patients."

Zhang Xiaofan and Luo Yurou have known each other for so many years, naturally it is clear that Luo Yurou has always liked quietness, and he is not used to living with strangers for a long time.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan didn't think too much about it, just a little bit inexplicable.

"Then why don't you live directly in the hospital's VIP ward?"

After listening to Zhang Xiaofan's words, Luo Yurou snorted at once, saying.

"That's not because those in power in the health system are all snobs ?!"

"After seeing my father's powerlessness, they all dangled their faces, eagerly hoping to step on my and my father's feet to reflect the morbid sense of superiority in their hearts!"

"In the beginning, the director of the hospital's inpatient department told me what the VIP ward is in short supply and there are no more empty rooms."

"Ha ha....."

"It's ridiculous. The hospital's VIP ward has been completely occupied for one year and twelve months so far.

"Ordinary ordinary people don't know, but how can I Luo Yurou not know the inside story?"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but silently, he sighed deeply, but only affirmatively, said.

"Luo Yurou, you can definitely stand up again, you can!"

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