The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7263: Let him solve it

Zhang Xiaofan slowly stood up and looked down at Luo Zhenghao, who was kneeling in front of him, coldly.

After hearing the words, Luo Zhenghao's body shivered uncontrollably. At this moment, he finally realized what Zhang Xiaofan ’s subtext was, “You do n’t need to speak in this life”.

No doubt, if Luo Zhenghao talks a lot of nonsense in front of Zhang Xiaofan again, I am afraid that today is next year!

Moreover, Luo Zhenghao knew in his heart that such an insincere apology would not work in front of Zhang Xiaofan, and Zhang Xiaofan was even less likely to accept this kind of apology.

"Master Zhang, wait a moment, wait a moment ..."

Thinking of this, Luo Zhenghao hurriedly stood up from the ground, and said to Zhang Xiaofan again and again.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at him coldly and did not speak.

Luo Zhenghao didn't have any trace at all, turned around and walked out of the ward.

Because, he knew clearly that talking about these nonsense with Zhang Xiaofan was of no value at all, and it was necessary to take real action to seek Zhang Xiaofan's forgiveness.

"Mr. Zhang, or else ..."

"Or forget it."

"Anyway, they are all members of the Luo family. Luo Zhenghao is now the head of the current Luo family. If you persecute him like this, the so-called rabbit is anxious and biting. I am afraid that Luo Zhenghao will bite you again Maybe ... "

After waiting for Luo Zhenghao to leave the ward, Luo Qingshan paused for a moment, worrying a bit, said.

It is true that the power that Luo Zhenghao has in his hands to deal with Zhang Xiaofan is naturally `` Tian Fang Ye Tan ''.

However, although Luo Zhenghao didn't have the patience to move him Zhang Xiaofan, he was more or less capable of nausea, disgusting Zhang Xiaofan, and those around him.

This is why Luo Qingshan has some concerns about this matter.

"Father, you don't need to say anything, let Zhang Xiaofan solve this problem by himself."

Before his father finished speaking, Luo Yurou just interrupted Luo Qingshan's unfinished words.

Luo Qingshan may not be clear, but Luo Yurou is absolutely clear about Zhang Xiaofan's life and personality.

He definitely has his own gradual progress. He will never listen to the opinions of others unless he has to.

Today, Zhang Xiaofan punished Luo Zhenghao in front of everyone present, not only because of her injustice for Luo Yurou, but also because of the pride in her heart!

How can Zhang Xiaofan's arrogance alone tolerate all the people in the Luo family oppress him?

The last one, Liu Yunhai, who dared to bully himself, and other people in Chiyoutang, have been sent to **** by Zhang Xiaofan.

It can be said that if it wasn't for seeing how Luo Zhenghao was also Luo Yurou's uncle, and he had an inseparable blood relationship, then he had just started, and directly cut off the heads of Luo Zhenghao and others!

All of the above, Luo Yu's flesh is very clear, but she is not lost in this heart, but she feels that there is a "small warmth" that is unclear, the way is unknown, but it really exists. .

Although Zhang Xiaofan is domineering and arrogant, he can always give the fettered people an unspeakable peace of mind .....

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