The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7269: Big ups and downs are too exciting

I have to say that the ups and downs of this life are too exciting .....

Although, the feeling of falling from the cloud to the ground is very uncomfortable.

However, Luo Zhenghao, as a person who is able to judge the situation, knows better than anyone in the audience that, only by doing so, can he now have a glimmer of hope to save his life, and to better preserve the current Luo family.

At least, if Luo Yurou became the head of the Jiangnan Luo family, then I believe that Zhang Xiaofan would have to look at the Buddha's face even if he didn't look at the monk's face.

I believe that in the future, if Zhang Xiaofan can take care of it from the side, then the face and status of the Jiangnan Luo family that they lost because of Chi Youtang will be recovered a little bit, even more than their previous peak.


"This matter has not been discussed. First of all, I can't get through this tube!"

"First of all, Luo Yurou, as our Luo family, had been expelled from the abandoned family of Luo family a year and a half ago."

"How could it be possible that such an abandoned son, who is not even our Luo family, would be in charge of such a large family business in Jiangnan Luo family, so where does the face of Jiangnan Luo family be placed?"

At this time, Luo Zhengshen snarled at the table.

"That's right, there is absolutely no room for negotiation in this matter. Is this just a lie?" Lost the face of our Luo family! "

"Yeah, what kind of international joke would it be to hand over a family like Luo's family to an abandoned son who had been expelled from the ancestral hall by the senior members of the family ?!"

At that moment, the entire board of directors of the Roche Group was full of excitement, and they each stood up from their seats, loudly refuted the decision that Luo Zhenghao just wanted to transfer the position of Luo's family head to Luo Yurou.

Looking at all the internal roar of the board of directors, Luo Zhenghao was completely panicked!

Regarding Zhang Xiaofan's methods, Luo Zhenghao could not have been more clear. The board of directors, who are ignorant, made such remarks, so don't think about it, they will definitely offend Zhang Xiaofan.

"I said, why are you so noisy one by one?"

Sure enough, what Zhang Zhenghao was most worried about at the moment, Zhang Xiaofan finally spoke.

He frowned tightly, slowly got up from his position, came to the left of Luo Yurou, and said with a salty voice.

"Who are you again?"

"Sure enough to take care of our Luo family ?!"

Luo Zhengshen also frowned a pair of white eyebrows, looked at Zhang Xiaofan dissatisfied, and directly questioned, said.

"Zhang Xiaofan!"

"Zhang Xiaofan? !!!"

After hearing this familiar and unfamiliar name, Luo Zhengshen couldn't help tightening his eyebrows. For a while, he didn't realize that the very familiar name of Zhang Xiaofan was anyone.

After a while, Luo Zhengshen's whole body shivered fiercely, and his face was full of horror. He looked at Zhang Xiaofan again, lost his voice, and said.

"Zhang Xiaofan? !!!"

"You are the celestial monster that is famous for Huaxia. Zhang Wutian can't do it? You are actually hungry from the emperor!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the entire parliament hall also recalled the entire name of Zhang Xiaofan. The rise and fall of the Luo family was also related to the thought of the man in front of him ...

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