The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7274: Chi Youtang's Decision

After that, Luo Yurou was disabled because she jumped off the building. I'm afraid she would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

As such a woman who has disabled her legs, I believe that as long as Zhang Wutian hasn't gotten into the paste, I believe he simply weighed the pros and cons, and he would not choose He Youtang, or even the entire farmhouse.

"Too elder, you said that Zhang Wutian would not really take that Luo Yurou to Chi Youtang, and ask us for an explanation?"

The chief helm of Chiyoutang Emperor Capital, an old man in a black robe couldn't help twisting his white eyebrows and said slowly in a large courtyard.

"According to our eyeliner placement in the Roche Group, Zhang Wutian first helped Luo Yurou calm down Luo's civil strife and helped her become the new chief of the Luo family."

"Since then, Zhang Xiaofan has taken Luo Yurou away from the Roche Group. The exact destination is unknown."

"Therefore, if we say that Zhang Wutian would really be our farmer because of Luo Yurou, a female protagonist, Chi Youtang would completely tear his face, this possibility is very small."

Speaking of which, an old man in a white robe gave a slight tone of voice, and then the words twitched and continued.

"What's more, Zhang Wutian has killed Liu Yunhai and a group of elite children sent by Jiang Youtang to Jiangnan."

"Therefore, if this lawless man is a smart man, he should receive it when he wants to see him, and he will not be really an enemy for a woman and Chi Youtang."

Listen to the elders in the white robes and the elders in the black robes speaking to each other, and I said my own opinion, Chi Youtang is the elder, and Li Qianyuan is the first to sit high and speak silently.

Regarding the words of the two elders under his control, Li Qianyuan was frowning, thinking secretly in his heart.

According to the information he currently has on hand, Zhang Wutian is a typical person who has revenge.

This point, just from Zhang Wutian who had previously been conspired by the Russian and Russian Far East Theater, and was sealed into the dark space by the King of Ease Wolf, it is not difficult to see that after a year and a half of crazy revenge, Zhang Wutian is definitely not a dumb loss!

However, Emperor Russia is Emperor Russia, and Chiyou Hall is Chiyou Hall.

Not to mention the farmhouse behind Chiyoutang and the powerful card of Yandi Liuxianzu, even Li Qianyuan himself, who was the last member of Chiyoutang, Fan Shengtian, was beheaded and killed by the elders of Chiyoutang. Chiyoutang veteran strongman called out in Guanzhong!

Therefore, in the face of Chi Youtang's so difficult bones, will Zhang Xiaofan really start revenge on himself and others as he did in Dior?

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the Far East Theater of the Emperor Russia actually killed himself by itself. It was not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke Zhang Rutian as a ruthless person. Isn't this the typical old life star who eats arsenic, and is heary and crooked?

On the other hand, Chiyoutang, even in China ’s Xiuzhen world, is full of news that Zhang Wutian buried his bones in another country and killed the Emperor Russia.

But even so, Li Qianyuan still adhered to the final bottom line, and did not choose to take action against Zhang Wutian's father, mother, and other important people, but only took Luo Yurou, an insignificant woman, to operate.

I believe if Zhang Wutian is not ...

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