The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7290: Rampant too fast

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Elder Black Robe died like this?

His eyes were wide at the moment, like a bronze bell, but he was a little dead.


how can that be? !! !!

Until the moment of death, the elder black robe didn't think about it until death, why is there a golden sword running through his heart from behind? !!

"Black Robe-!!!"

After seeing this scene, the elder in white robe shouted out loud and couldn't believe what happened in front of him. The elder in black robe was thus killed in front of himself.

Coincidentally, not only the elders in white robes couldn't believe it after seeing this scene. As for the rest of the cultivators, they were also completely shocked by the series of events in front of them. .

Chiyou's grand elder was actually killed casually like this? !!

You know, this is a real baby. Dacheng's super strong man can be said to be a transcendent figure standing at the top of the pyramid of the Chinese culture.


This is too violent, too fast, right? !!

Han Zhengsheng, Chen Qidong and others have already arrived at this place early. After seeing this **** scene happening in front of them, they were even startled and startled.


"Murder ?!"

This may be ...

This is too incredible, too sensational, right?

What is the relationship between the young men in front of them and the robes? Who is it?

At first glance, this group of people looks like characters in a martial arts movie or TV series?

Moreover, Han Zhengsheng, Chen Qidong and other people even where did the golden sword come from, and how did they pierce the heart of the old man in black robes between the electric light and flint?

Regarding all this, they still feel blank in their brains, totally unaware of what is happening in the field.

"Kill me-!!!"

After a long while, the elders of the white robes were angry and rushed to the crown. In this time, no more than 10 minutes later, someone had died under Zhang Xiaofan's sword.

Moreover, the tragic death is still a black robe elder who has been in love with him for decades. How can you say that this will not make him angry?

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan did not play cards according to common sense, let alone morality.

On the front foot, the elder in black robes was still shouting, and Zhang Xiaofan on the back foot directly urged a bright flying sword to pierce his heart.

This person ...

This man is simply awful!

After hearing this order from Elder White Robe, a group of Chiyoutang disciples also took out their respective weapons from their waists, and the bees swarmed in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan, shouting to be black Elder Robe revenge Snow Hate!

However, for all of this, Zhang Xiaofan just watched indifferently, a group of Chiyoutang shrimp soldiers and crab generals couldn't even pick up the ** in his heart to fight, and kill the other side quickly!

"Sword comes--!"

Zhang Xiaofan's mental power controlled it, and his ‘Tian Cong Yun Sword’ was blasted out again, drawing a gorgeous golden arc directly in the air.

"No, retreat, retreat!"

Seeing the bright golden sword flying again, the elder in red changed his face, lost his voice, and said.

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