The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7295: This muddy water can't travel

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They did not dare to neglect anything, but also got into the vehicle they were driving.

With so many people present, only Han Zhengsheng knew exactly why Chen Qidong suddenly ran away.

The reason for this is very simple, purely because Chen Qidong is too frightened.

That's right!

It was under the trend of fear that Chen Qidong fled in a hurry!

Chen Qidong and Han Zhengsheng are different from them. They and the young man called Zhang Xiaofan have no grievances in the past and no enmity in the near future.

In this case, if he didn't want to do something that offended the man, he would certainly not chase it out and kill them all.

However, Chen Qidong's situation is completely different!

You know, Chen Qidong had offended young men before, but Han Zhengsheng couldn't understand it!

Chen Qidong, his resentment against the 'spoiler' who had ruined his overall plan is deeply rooted.

Regarding this matter, Han Zhengsheng naturally did not hear it from Chen Qidong's mouth. Every time Chen Qidong talked about the past, he hated his teeth and his eyes congested.

Presumably, there must be many unknown contradictions between the two!

Today, when the enemies met, Chen Qidong saw Zhang Xiaofan as a god, and after killing the Quartet, he was not scared to run away and drove away, then there is a ghost!


At the same time, Chen Qidong drove all the way in his car. At the moment, only fear and deep congratulations left in his heart.

Apart from that, this young man is really ...

It is too horrible. The golden long sword that is constantly flying up and down in the air is like a sickle of death. Almost every minute and every second is recklessly harvesting the lives of the group of holders!

At this moment, Chen Qidong felt extremely grateful.

He was grateful to himself. Fortunately, when he wanted to convene a manpower and carry out a series of revenge plans with Zhang Xiaofan, the Emperor Chen family stopped himself for the first time and barred himself at home.

If, at first, you find this man on your own initiative, bring your own puppies to find him for accounting.

Then, Chen Qidong can hardly imagine if he can still live in the world today.

Therefore, Chen Qidong has to leave this dangerous place at the fastest speed, not only to leave Chiyoutang. Chief helm, he intends to drive directly back to Hangzhou, even the emperor. The Chen family will not return, so as to avoid Zhang Xiaofan Damn it!

As for Qin Xiyan, Chen Qidong did not dare to think of it at all.

Not only is there any male-female relationship between this Xiaofan and Qin Xiyan, he is not willing to go to this muddy water again!

You know, this muddy water is very likely to make you lose your head!


Chi Youtang. Inside the helm, Zhang Xiaofan is very handsome and handsome, and his expression on the face is a kind of indifferent indifference, letting the golden flying sword dance wildly.

But I saw a golden mansion flashing out, taking the lives of Chiyoutang's disciples!

A group of people who heard the news expressed emotion and saw the **** and cruel scene happening in front of the lively practitioners. They all trembled and trembled in Huaxia.

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