The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7298: Not in a world

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The elders in black robes and elders in red robes, after hearing Li Qianyuan's plea for help, did not dare to neglect, and rushed over immediately.

Seeing this, Tian Hongfei hurriedly urged 'Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong', soared to the sky and wanted to come forward to stop, but was left behind by the gray elder elder.

"Ha ha...."

"It's just a group of ants, no matter how many they come!"

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan's 'Tian Cong Yun Sword' had slaughtered all the elite children above and below Chi Youtang.

Zhang Xiaofan's mental power controlled, Jian Feng kept pointing, pointing at the elders of the white robe and the elder of the red robe.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, Li Qianyuan shouted aloud.

If there is another Chi Youtang elder dying under the sword of Zhang Xiaofan in the field, his chance of winning will be even smaller!

After being reminded by Li Qianyuan, the elders of the white robes and the elders of the red robes also reacted violently.

At present, all of them are supernatural powers. Dacheng's self-cultivation power is naturally not comparable to those of Chiyoutang's ordinary disciples, and the response is quite quick. They have already prepared Zhang Xiaofan's Feijian at any time.

Zhang Xiaofan's mental power controlled the ‘Tian Cong Yun Jian’, but his eyes fell on Li Qianyuan again!

True, Li Qianyuan's Zhenyuan Xiu is far better than the red robe elders and white robe elders who haven't even reached the infant world, but the latter is no different from the ants in his eyes, but what is the difference between him and ants?

Zhang Xiaofan didn't plan to talk with this old guy any more. He jumped all over his body, and rushed into Li Qianyuan in midair.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan only controlled the flying sword with his mental power, he easily blocked his left arm and right arm. After seeing this scene, Li Qianyuan was so angry that he almost burst out of old blood.

But for now, Zhang Xiaofan was approaching him, and he had no other choice but to fight brazenly.

As for Luo Yurou, she stood aside and looked at the man entangled in thunder above the sky, her eyes blinking.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan is like a proud **** of thunder. These spiritual masters who are high above the rest of the week are only hopeful and fearful when they see the coming of the true god.

Luo Yurou knew clearly that he and Zhang Xiaofan were not from the same world after all.

He is so dazzling and extraordinary!

Even if Li Qianyuan, who was as elder as Chi Youtang, was not qualified to enter Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

Luo Yurou secretly determined in her heart. Only by increasing the influence of Luo's family can she have the ray of hope to be closer to this dazzling man ....



Zhang Xiaofan hit it with a punch and hit him directly on Li Qianyuan's chest.

His punch came too fast and too fiercely, so that Li Qianyuan did not even have the most basic time to reflect.

It was Zhang Xiaofan's seemingly understatement punch, but it almost did not directly penetrate his chest.

But even so, how many of Li Qianyuan's chest ribs were broken under that punch, and they were sunken directly from the outside to the inside. His body shape was more like that of a kite with a broken thread, and he fell into the ground heavily.

Blood splattered, this Li Qianyuan was not the only one who stepped into the golden state with half a foot. Even so, he was still not killed by a punch by Zhang Xiaofan!

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