The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7303: Painful repayment

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The old man in the robe was exclaimed again and again, and his figure was backed up by more than five or six steps.

However, Tian Hongfei did not care about what nonsense this old man in the robe said in his ears. As long as his instructor didn't shout to stop, he and the old man in this robe would continue to die, except that one of the two sides fell down!

Tian Hongfei's offensive is powerful, overbearing and unparalleled.

At this time, with the help of Zhang Xiaofan, Tian Hongfei ’s real Yuan Xiu has already reached the magical power. Dacheng, plus what he is practicing is the “Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong” taught by Zhang Xiaofan himself, far from cultivation. The ordinary ordinary horizontal exercises can be compared with it.

Because of this, it is basically difficult to find someone who can be his own enemy of Tian Hongfei among those who are in the same realm.

However, in contrast to this Taoist old man, he is also not a ubiquitous person. In the battle with He Tian Hongfei, he can be described as fighting and right. After two people have fought with each other for ten rounds, Tian Hongfei can't do anything in a short time The old man in the robe was nothing.

The destructive force created by Tian Hongfei and the old man in that robe was too horrible, and soon spread to the group of practitioners who were watching the lively side by side.

Most of this group of practitioners had not even reached the base, and they hurried backwards before they were involved.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, he was too lazy to care about the battle between Tian Hongfei and Daopao.

He can see at a glance that the old man in the robe is naturally not a vulgar one, and he has good strength.

Moreover, really speaking from the battle experience and fighting skills, the old man in the robes fell ten times, obviously to win Tian Hongfei.

However, with him Zhang Xiaofan, Tian Hongfei will naturally be fine.

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan once again set his eyes on Li Qianyuan, and then softly whispered to Luo Yu, saying: "Close your eyes."

Luo Yurou froze slightly, but she quickly closed her eyes as explained by Zhang Xiaofan.

"He used to torture and torture you, and now I will help you ten times, and give him back a hundred times."

Zhang Xiaofan Sheng Bin was cold, one word at a time, said.

After all, what happened afterwards was too **** and brutal.

Luo Yurou, no matter how strong her mind is, she is only a woman after all, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want her to see what happened afterwards.

"Zhang Wutian ....."

"Zhang Wutian, you can't kill Li Qianyuan, you can't kill Li Qianyuan ..."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's aggressive look on the face of the old man in the robe, he couldn't help shouting out loud.

The old man in the robes saw with his own eyes that the Tiancong Yunjian had stabbed Li Qianyuan, and his heart couldn't help but ‘clog —! ’With a sound, I wanted to step forward to stop, but Luo Hongfei who was rushed over was entangled.

It is true that if it comes to combat effectiveness, the old robes also need to be better.

However, what Tian Hongfei practiced was after all the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" taught by Zhang Xiaofan himself. The physical strength was too overbearing. Nothing else was needed to do. Just resisting the attack of the Taoist old man was enough to stop him.

For a while, the old man in the robe was anxious, but still couldn't go forward to stop Zhang Xiaofan from starting ...

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