The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7326: Sister Guo

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Through this, the attitude shown by these 'dog slaves' is not difficult to see. The 'big lady' and 'second lady' should be the pair of bright pearls of Guo Zhensheng, chairman of the Guo Group.

Guo Xiyue and Guo Xiyu are two sisters.

Seeing that Guo Xiyu was still pursing his mouth, an air of bulging looks, the tall and heroic man beside him couldn't help laughing.

"Xiyue, since Xiaoyu has already opened this mouth, let's just take the young man in."

"If what he just said is false, we will let him out again, and it will not be a problem."

The Yingwu youth spoke very weightily at first sight, which made Guo Xiyue, who was still very firm, somewhat more than a moment.

When the little girl saw that her sister was also in hesitation, she immediately smiled at the Yingwu youth with a sweet smile.

"It's still my brother-in-law's best, than heart!"

The little girl was very playful and compared with Yingwu youth, then dragged Guo Xiyu's little hand, coquettishly, said.

"Sister Xi Yan is also very poor on weekdays. She has always been alone in the boudoir."

"Now, Da Yanyuan, a friend of Sister Yan Yan, finally came over from Hangzhou and made a special trip to see Sister Yan Yan, so you can let people go in and visit."

"What brother-in-law? We are not even engaged yet!"

After hearing this, Guo Xiyue also gave her sister a bad look, and then looked at Yingwu youth with this rather helpless look. When the young man nodded at himself with a smile, Guo Xiyue cured Sighed deeply, said.

"Well, just let him in. If it is really fake in the future, then ask him to come out again."

Said, Guo Xiyue's gaze also fell on Zhang Xiaofan's body, and then, Tao said.

"This gentleman, the gate of our Guo family is not accessible by anyone who wants to go in."

"Since you just said that you know Xi Yan, and you add Xi Yu to plead with you, then come in with us."

"Just, sir, I hope you can always pay attention to your identity, but don't run around Guo House while we are not paying attention."

"Now, we Guo Group is holding the first quarter earnings conference."

"Therefore, there are also many distinguished guests in the mansion. If you accidentally bump into our distinguished guest in the Guo family, I will not be able to explain to the elders in the family."

Guo Xiyue turned around. Although the words sounded polite in the lines, the voice revealed a hard chill, and it was obviously a little warning.


Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed for a moment, the corners of his mouth were raised, and a radian like smile appeared on his face.

"I don't know how long it has been in the past, and no one has dared to be so provocative-provoking him to Godless Demon!"

Since returning to China, Zhang Xiaofan has set off waves of blood and rain in Jiangnan and Emperor Capital, killing the Quartet.

Even if they were the chiefs of a clan who changed into a wealthy and nobleman, and even the high-ranking officials in Fengjiang, whenever they saw him Zhang Xiaofan, they had to hold their tails and be honest grandchildren.

On the other hand, there is a Jinmen. Guo family in this district, if only Zhang Xiaofan is willing ...

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