The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7339: Who is crazy

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I saw that Zhang Xiaofan raised his hand and greeted him with a big mouth. He directly returned the unspoken words of Qin Xiyan after the two aunts.

This fan of Zhang Xiaofan slaps directly on the face of Qin Xiyan's second aunt, and directly flies out her whole body.

How terrible is Zhang Xiaofan's slap strength, don't look at the aunts Qin Xiyan, who are full of flesh and huge tonnage.

But at this moment, this 'shrew' is like a giant spinning top. It hit the ground several times in succession, and then planted it heavily on the ground. The row of red Wuzhishan on the right cheek is so clearly visible.

Originally, this 'shrew' had a fleshy face, and now her right cheek is several times more horizontal than before.

Even the people present could see with naked eyes that the middle-aged woman's cheek bones were pulled apart from the middle and there was a clear gap. The corners of her mouth and cheeks were covered with red blood everywhere.

"Who said you were a bunny ?!"

Zhang Xiaofan stared coldly at the ground that was falling to the ground, and was rolling back and forth, crying the cry of the "shrew", said.


"How dare you hit someone ?!"

Guo Shifeng saw that his wife was being pumped with crooked eyes, and his face was full of blood, and the look was called a dazzling eye, pointing his finger at Zhang Xiaofan, because the anger in his heart made him uncontrollable. Shivering violently.

"Ha ha....."

"I don't just dare to kill, I dare to kill, believe it or not?"

The smile on Zhang Xiaofan's face remained unchanged, and he set his gaze on Guo Shifeng's body. The corner of his mouth was raised, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"Up ....."

"You guys are still trying to do something, don't hurry up to me!"

"Catch me this lunatic immediately-!!!"

I saw that behind Guo Shifeng, there were many descendants of the Guo family, as well as the remaining security members of the Guo family.

However, this group of security guards looked at each other, I looked at you, and finally rushed up rashly.

However, as for their group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, what qualifications can stop him Zhang Xiaofan.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan had decided to kill in his heart at this time. He pinched a sword tactic in his right hand and summoned the ‘Tian Cong Yun Sword’.

Just listen, ‘Bash! ‘,‘ Bash! ‘The sound of sharp weapons slamming through.

All Guo security guards who dared to rush to him Zhang Xiaofan, they were no exception, they were directly chopped to the ground by Zhang Xiaofan.

The rest of the Guo family's bodyguards who had not rushed up at this moment just woke up like dreams, exclaimed and screamed, and some of them took out the pistol from their arms and tried to shoot at Zhang Xiaofan.

However, before the bodyguards of these people have just put the index fingers of their right hands on the trigger, and before they can buckle in the future, Zhang Xiaofan has already taken the first step, rushing into the crowd, shaking his left and right arms, two handles and three feet of blue peaks The golden light is continuously drawn in the mid-air. After the golden light, there is blood light. After the blood light, what is left is the despair and sorrow that people utter before the death.

For a time, the screams of the whole Guofu rang loudly, and I saw the blood and rain, but no people!

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