The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7367: Truly in charge

"In addition, just the day before yesterday, Zhang Wutian went to the imperial capital and found Chiyoutang. The chief helm was located, and his total helm was fully up to 1,835. . "

"After that, it was the Black Panther of Huaxia Inverse Scale, she was responsible for cleaning up the mess behind Zhang Xiaofan."

Tian Yuanhai stepped forward, sighing deeply while shaking his head, said.

"what did you say?!!"

When Tian Yuanhai said this, there was an uproar in the entire banquet hall.

At first, the unreconciled Guo Zhenping, Guo Yuncheng, and other senior members of the Guo family were scared and pale all the time.

You know, the family of Gu Su, the granddaughter of Gusu, the family of Song of Gusu, etc., etc. The series of families about Gusu mentioned in Tian Yuan Haikou just now have their heads and faces. Are you famous? !!

If it is said that one of them is still difficult to compare with Jinmen. The Guo family is so powerful, so profound.

However, if the above families want to add up and hold up a group, let alone a Guo family can compare with it. Even if there are two, the three Guo families may not be able to fight with each other when they are held together. .

However, Zhang Xiaofan was the first tribe of the Yi family, and then he was chopped off one after another, but he was the head of a lord of the Soviet giants.

What an exaggeration and an appalling event!

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Zhang Xiaofan slayed so many high-ranking members of the Gusu. Mingmenwang clan in succession. The special department of the Inverse Scale Group did not have any meaning to hold accountable.

Instead, they took the initiative to help him clean up the mess, and deliberately reduced this series of events to small events and small events.

From this tube, you can see the leopard. The exaggerated meaning behind it is simply scary, scary!

"The legend in the world, this is the absolute dominance of the golden body supreme power in the world ..."

After speaking of this, Guo Yunsheng could not help but sigh for a long time, said.

"In the eyes of the Supreme King of the Golden Body, I am waiting for a lot of wealthy Chinese nobles and princes of famous families, I am afraid that it is really just a slightly stronger ant."

"Everyone who can talk to this group of supreme powers is the Prime Minister of a country, or a group such as the Rockefeller Group, the Citibank Consortium or a legendary family such as Rothschild. qualifications."

"Besides that, the other parties are all ants!"

"Zhenping, from now on, you will immediately transfer the 50% equity of Guo's Group to the name of Ms. Qin Xiyan, as Master said before leaving. , There must be no delay, otherwise I will ask you! "

"Observe, father!"

Guo Zhenping respectfully nodded his warhead, disdain the face before, unwilling to disappear completely, replaced by a strong awe.

As for the high-level family members of the nearby Guo clan and the guests who come and go during this trip, they look at each other and I look at you. They all see the strong fear and The color of fear.

To this day, they have finally seen with their own eyes, what is the big man in this world who really holds the bull's ear ...

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