The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7376: Changes in Heaven

It is also necessary to pay respect to the supreme power of the golden body, and to make concessions on many issues.

It was not until the 'Manhattan Plan', chaired by Oppenheimer, that success was announced, and after the amount of nuclear weapons officially appeared, the powerful nations of all parties really meant to repress the golden status.

And to this day, the "Feixianbang" is reborn, does this represent to some extent, are the Golden Realms the Supreme Strong, do they have to start dominating again and take control of the planet?

"Wo Tian Mo Zun. Zhang Wu Tian ..."

In every country in the world, countless people keep thinking about this man's name in their hearts.

It is also on this day that Zhang Xiaofan is also really famous in the world, and the Xeons at the top of the Pyramid of the Reality Realm are all unaware of it.


At a time when the world was shaking, the self-cultivation world was set off by the resurgence of the "Feixianbang".

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan returned to Hangzhou with Qin Xiyan, and had three trips with his father, mother, and other family members. At the time of the meal, Zhang Xiaofan was preparing to tell his parents and others about the future of the Zhang family. At the time of development, the mobile phone in the pants pocket really couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

Zhang Xiaofan took it out subconsciously, and the whole man couldn't help but look at it slightly.

"Taibai Venus, invited the Emperor Jade Emperor to join the heavenly chat group."

The last time, it seemed that it was about two years ago that Taibai Jinxing once mentioned to himself that the Emperor Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Court ‘handling the son’ was about to enter this heavenly chat group.

However, at that time, Zhang Xiaofan was extremely excited and excited after learning the news. Every day, I hoped that the stars and the moon would expect this emperor Jade Emperor to bubble up in the heavenly chat group earlier.

However, when Zhang Xiaofan was hunting down the dark wolves, he went alone to the Great Plains of Western Russia and Siberia. It took him two years to go.

In the past two years, Zhang Xiaofan was about to forget that the emperor Jade had to add a chat group.

But this is in line with Huaxia's old saying that if you want to plant flowers, you won't be able to plant flowers.

Just as Zhang Xiaofan was about to leave this incident behind, the special emperor Jade Emperor arrived unexpectedly.

Jade Emperor, who is ‘the Supreme Supreme Master of Hao Tian Jin Jue ’s natural beauty, has Miro to the true Jade Emperor ’s God’, has a status in the Heavenly Court of God's Night, which is basically no different from the emperor in ancient times.

This man has thirty-six days in the palm of his hand, seventy-two lands under his jurisdiction, and majestic heaven and earth.

It can be said that looking at the vast heaven and court, the most powerful 'giants' in their hands are San Qing, Liu Yu, Wu Fang Wu Lao, West Queen Mother and Dong Hua Emperor.

Of course, there is no need to say more about these three Qings, Yu Qingjing: Yuan Shi Tianzun, Shang Qing Jing: Lingbao Tian Zun, Tai Qing Jing: Moral Tian Zun.

These three Qings are the incarnations of heaven, the ancestors of countless gods, and their status is naturally the highest among the gods!

However, since the end of the battle of the gods, the three priests, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Moral Tianzun, have disappeared and disappeared completely.

Nowadays, looking at the huge **** Xiao Tianting, the actual ruler is the six giants of the Six Royals.

These six emperors represent the six Supreme Immortals of Heaven!

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