The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7378: Is it a fake jade emperor

Taibai Venus: "Jade Emperor has just taken the robbery and has been reincarnation once again. He has not yet awakened his memory of the last life. I also hope that you will not be surprised."

Antarctic Wings: "Well ... it's what the old man never expected, and it's a Yuan conference passed."

Wen Quxing: "The Jade Emperor has suffered countless rebirths in lieu of all sentient beings. The local star Junyi counted it. This is still the 1837th calamity ...."

King Tota Li: "Jade Emperor, the merit is in the contemporary, the benefit is in the past!"

Dianmu: "You have suffered, Jade Emperor, 嘤 .... 嘤 .... 嘤 ... (behind are three big crying faces.)"

Lei Gong: "After hearing what Taibai Venus said, Xiaoxian also wanted to shed tears ..."

The God of Wealth: "Xianxian has nothing to ask for. I just hope that the emperor can rebuild the immortal body and wake up to the memory of the last life as soon as possible."


"What are they talking about, what?"

"What Yuanhui is, and what is the immeasurable reincarnation? What is this all about? How can I hear a haze ..."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at this. There was a message from the Tianting chat group.

If you want to say that the emperor of the jade emperor once again mentioned the matter of the dragon robe crab soup, Zhang Xiaofan can understand it more or less.

After all, one day in the sky, one year on the ground.

The two years Zhang Xiaofan spent in the human realm were quite long, and it was only two and a half days after being placed in the heaven, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

However, after seeing what Taibai Jinxing said about the emperor's jade emperor, what was happening again, and once again, before he could awaken his memory of the last life, Zhang Xiaofan had some distressed monks.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan found Taibaijinxing in the address book and sent him a private message to ask him in detail.

After a detailed answer from Taibai Venus, Zhang Xiaofan only reacted later.

It turns out that every other Yuan conference, in other words, 129,000 years later, there will be a process of destruction and rebirth between heaven and earth.

And such a process of destruction and rebirth is also called the Infinite Reincarnation in Heaven.

At that time, the six realms of the Three Realms will usher in a catastrophe, and the streets will be full of creatures. I do n’t know how many creatures there are and how many worlds will be destroyed.

Later, the master of Sanqing, also known as the ancestor of Hongjun, later found a child in the human world named 'Zhang Bairen'. Body, instead of suffering in the six realms.

No matter how powerful he really is, behind him, but as long as the immense rebirth comes, the person who should be robbed will have everything, whether from cultivation or from his own memory. Everything ends up empty.

But every time Zhang Bairen saves a trace of his own wisdom, so that he can continue to the beginning of the next cycle.

In this way, after a total of 1,560 robberies, the boy ‘Zhang Bairen’ was selected by the ancestor of Hongjun.

Since then, Zhang Bairen has accumulated countless merits in this one after another robber, and finally became the head of the Six Royals and the Supreme of the Three Realms. ".

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