The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7385: Jade Emperor's Exquisite Gift

Looking at the Tianting chat group, the gods from all walks of life exploded all kinds of black materials about Yang Lang. After Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help laughing, he couldn't help himself.

And Erlang Shen Yang Yang naturally did not dare to disobey his own doubts. After honestly surrendering the dragon robe crab yellow soup bag he had just grabbed, he immediately went into hiding and dived.

At this time, no one has dared to jump out to break ground on the head of the Jade Emperor.

"Hahahaha ....."

Although going through some twists and turns, the Jade Emperor finally grabbed the Dragon Roast Crab and Yellow Soup Buns as he wished, and said inwardly with great excitement.

"To this day, I finally have the honor to taste the Dragon Roast Crab Soup Soup in Yangtianjie!"

"I'm Mengxin (Zhang Xiaofan). After waiting for you to taste this crab yellow soup bag, I will definitely reward you with a supreme treasure!"

"Supreme Supreme ?!"

When Zhang Xiaofan heard the emperor's words fiercely, both eyes could not help but stare.

At the same time, the gods from all walks of life who heard the words of Yudi also cast envious, jealous and hate eyes on Zhang Xiaofan.

After a long while, the Jade Emperor finally appeared again.

"It's delicious ... It's delicious ... It's so delicious, it's really the best food in heaven, it's really well-deserved, it's really well-deserved!"

"I'm Mengxin (Zhang Xiaofan). Today you have done a great job. I want to reward you with a good baby."

With the end of Jade Emperor's words, I only listened to ‘Ding 咚 ——! ’A small red envelope popped up again on Zhang Xiaofan ’s phone screen.

Paperback, after Zhang Xiaofan raised his hand subconsciously, after seeing the system prompt message that came into his eyes, Zhang Xiaofan twitched violently.

"I'm going, aren't I? This special thing is fine too!"

"Congratulations, you successfully grabbed the ordinary red envelope of the Emperor Jade Emperor, and obtained a signed autograph of the Emperor Jade Emperor.

What is this operation? !!

Is this ...

Is this the legend that the supreme treasure that cannot be encountered is not met? !!

What the **** ...

It ’s so shameless, too indecent, too low, okay? !!

If you just write a few broken words on the photo, you can be cheeky, and say it is the supreme treasure of heaven? !! !!

emmmmmm ..... improper, extremely improper ...

To be honest, at the beginning, Zhang Xiaofan also thought that even the great emperor like the emperor jade can use a supreme treasure to describe a good baby, it must not be an ordinary ordinary treasure.

Maybe, what the Jade Emperor wants to give himself is the magic weapon or the legendary beast of his own.

But what makes Zhang Xiaofan never dream of it is that the supreme treasure in the jade emperor's mouth is actually a so-called autographed photo of Zhang Bairen? !! !!

"I trust, my dear, I'm not your brain fan, what do you mean by doing this for me ?!"

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan had 100,00 Cao Ni horses galloping in his heart and kept swearing at him!

You know, what Zhang Xiaofan hopes to get is a panacea, a natural treasure .....

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