Zhang Xiaofan drove his Bentley. Mulsanne speed carried their two siblings to the Workers ’Stadium of the Imperial City. The venue of today ’s meeting was here.

"Brother-in-law, you said that you would be empty-handed at a celebrity meeting. Why do you carry such a big metal box with you?"

In the back seat of Bentley, Zhao Jianfei looked at the large metal box on the co-pilot, and his face couldn't help showing a touch of curiosity.

The rectangular metal box that Zhang Xiaofan placed beside him looked at at least 110 centimeters at a glance, and did not know what was contained in such a large box.

"Oh, you say this?"

"This is a gift I specially prepared for the hot bar."

As to the usefulness of the metal box, Zhang Xiaofan didn't mean to conceal it.

"A gift for the hot bar ?!"

"I'll go, don't I!"

"Brother-in-law, shouldn't you also be interested in heat, right ?!"

Speaking of the last word, Zhao Jianfei deliberately pulled up a long note, using an extremely gossip tone.

In Zhao Jianfei's impression, Zhang Xiaofan, a cultivating strong self-cultivation power, has no reason to chase stars like a layman like him.

It's said here that those who make big things usually don't have any extra time to deal with this group of female stars.

"It's not there. I just know the heat. She has helped me a lot before."

"See you again now. Naturally, I have to prepare some small gifts and thank her."

Zhang Xiaofan drove without turning his head, said.

"Do you still know heat ?!"

At this time, sitting on the co-pilot, Zhao Yinger, who had been silent for a long time, although she did not chase the stars, but she really liked the TV dramas and movies starring Reba. The image of Reba was delicate and unpretentious.

This is similar to Zhao Yinger's personality and temperament.

"I said brother-in-law, you bragging about not drafting!"

"How could you know heat? I didn't believe it first!"

"Unless you chase a call for Rebecca now, otherwise brother-in-law what you just said is too outrageous?"

Zhao Jianfei used an unbelievable tone. After all, the big stars seemed to them that all of them were the same as Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, which was beyond reach.

In particular, how can Zhang Xiaofan have dealt with her as a popular little flower like the hot bar, a rising star in the Chinese entertainment industry, the most popular actress in the national drama festival, such a high-profile star?

Zhao Yinger, who was sitting on the co-pilot, was at a loss. Naturally, she and her brother Zhao Jianfei looked at anti-problems in different directions.

Compared to Zhao Jianfei, Zhao Yinger is undoubtedly more mature when looking at problems, and can naturally perceive clearly.

If Zhang Xiaofan is willing, let alone know a star, he just needs to hook his fingers, not to mention the first-line star of China, even those Hollywood big names, I am afraid to run to Zhang Xiaofan's door, respectfully waiting to be Meet okay? !!

"I don't have her phone number."

Zhang Xiaofan just shook his head. How could he take the initiative to ask for the heat?

He couldn't talk about the feelings of men and women about the hot bar, but he felt that the woman jumped up and down in private, very annoying ...

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