The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7412: This person is still so horizontal

Long Shaojie snorted heavily, said.

Sitting in the back row, Zhao Jianfei was annoyed after hearing what Long Shaojie and the skinny youth were so uncomfortable.

However, now Zhao Jianfei is not as hard-headed as Fang Gang's obedience on this front.

After all, Zhao Jianfei is not a fool. From the contact between the two, she naturally knows that this man named Long Shaojie is not a bad stubble, but still has some identity with Beijing.

Therefore, if you have not reached the point where it is absolutely necessary, you should not provoke this man, otherwise, you may have to give your brother-in-law a lot of trouble.


Just when Zhao Jianfei was secretly thinking about how to avoid Long Shaojie and not to make Zhang Xiaofan troublesome, he only saw that Long Shaojie suddenly turned forward to Liyang, and his face was heavy. On the front railing.

This came down too suddenly, too violently. Long Shaojie, who was completely unprepared, shot such a fierce one, and the two front teeth were sprayed out, accompanied by the red blood. The corners of his mouth flowed down.

Needless to say, this is naturally Zhang Xiaofan's shot. He lifted a foot and slammed heavily on Long Shaojie's chair, letting him intimate contact with the railing in front of him.

"Xiaozi, are you looking for death ?!"

Long Shaojie was furious from his heart. He never dreamed that he was kicked hard by such a kid who couldn't even see the eyes, and he was still in this large crowd. Jie's face was completely lost.

As for the young men who came with Long Shaojie, they were all stunned, never thinking that the ‘little white face’ was so horizontal, and they fought with a single word? !!

However, just when their group was preparing to pull their arms, they wanted to go up to fight with Zhang Xiaofan when they rolled up their sleeves, but the security personnel who saw the side rushed over when they heard the news.

"If you want to make trouble, believe it or not, I'll twist you all to the police station!"

"I rely, are you blind? Obviously it's the first thing to do!"

Upon hearing this, the thin man was just like a cat with a tail on his tail.

From the past to the present, they have always only been involved in bullying others, and no one has ever dared to ask them for trouble.

But now, their dragon brother was kicked fiercely from behind, both front teeth were knocked off, but they can only watch and not fight back.

"I don't care who you start with first, anyway, this is a public place and you cannot tolerate it."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for giving you all out!"

Although security personnel also knew that Long Shaojie was sitting in a VIP area, their accusation was not to allow anyone to disrupt the order of the thermal bar meeting.

Otherwise, if there are large-scale group brawls in such densely populated venues, or even serious tramples, then their security personnel can never afford this responsibility!

"good, very good, excellent...."

"We also don't want to spoil this hot star party!"

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