The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7414: Long Shaojie's plan

"Also, the security just now can't make the guy feel better. It's too arrogant. It even feels nosy about our affairs. It's really Lao Shouxing who eats arsenic and is tired and crooked!"

In this regard, Zheng Pengfei is also a word, hate, said.

"Hehehe ..."

Hearing that, Long Shaojie suddenly issued a meaningless sneer laughter, and there was also a fascinating chill in his eyes.

"Of course I can't let go of my security. I dare to talk to someone like Long Shaojie. I want him to have a tongue. Isn't this excessive?"

"And the little white-faced girlfriend, I won't let it go, hehe, following a dying man has nothing to do other than staying alive, and simply accept it together!"

When Long Shaojie said these words, he could keep his voice down.

Therefore, what he just said was naturally not heard by Zhao Yinger and Zhao Jianfei, but how could he escape the eyes of Zhang Xiaofan?

Immediately, Zhang Xiaofan's heart could not help rising a burst of fierce killing intention!

In any case, Zhang Wutian will kill these two people.

Although his large-scale killing of the Quartet after his return to China has attracted special attention from the special department headed by the inverse scale organization, but again, he has killed more than a thousand people due to Zhang Wutian's trip. Worse these two!

As long as he Zhang Xiaofan wants to kill, even if you are one of the prince generals, that Zhang Wutian wants him to die by three, who dares to keep him to five? !! !!

For a long time, Zhang Xiaofan thought that he had always been alone in this world, and he was just like a lone wolf. He had long been used to living alone.

Only with a lot of fetters can we live longer in a weak and powerful world like the spiritual master.

Because no one can catch your handle, and it is impossible to threaten yourself with the safety of other people, leaving you tied.

In Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, it is only in this state of carelessness that it is the safest.

Of course, for a long time, Zhang Xiaofan was also very satisfied with his living condition.

That's why, after Zhang Xiaofan left Huaxia alone and left his hometown, he came to the Western Siberian Plain without any acquaintances or even people he knew. Only then did Zhang Xiaofan really realize what it means to be ‘no worries and no worries’.

This is why, when Xie Luokov threatened himself with his beauties before dying, Zhang Xiaofan was not angry at all.

Because he didn't have any concerns in Di Russia, from the beginning to the end, only Zhang Xiaofan himself, no relatives.

However, when Zhang Xiaofan heard that Long Shaojie said that he was going to strike Zhao Ying'er, he felt that his inner killing was like tide, and he became violent and turbulent.

Zhao Yinger, as Zhang Xiaofan's favorite woman, cannot tolerate the slightest blasphemy of others!

Therefore, even if Zhang Xiaofan is the enemy of the inverse scale organization, he will chase him to the ends of the earth, and he will completely wipe out these two people from this world.

Big deal, Zhang Xiaofan was just like when he faced the KGB in Di Russia. See who can laugh to the end!

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