The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7416: Woman's sensitivity

After thinking about it, Qiao's face couldn't help showing a smug smile.

At the same time, Hot Bar is also singing a little love song she is very good at, usually called "elope to the moon"

This "Elope to the Moon" is a song with a very light melody in itself. It is sweet at this time, and the love in your heart is undisguised.

At this time, a lot of fans in the gym also listened intoxicated and intoxicated.

Among the tens of thousands of people in the audience, only the hot bar keenly captured the unusualness of this song.

Compared to the crazy fans of this group of zhengs in the gym, Zhao Yinger usually does not have a habit of chasing stars.

She was able to sit here today, partly because of Zhang Xiaofan, and partly because she simply preferred the hot singing voice.

Zhao Yinger feels that compared to the previous songs, the mood of the original song has changed significantly.

At first, Hot Bar was like a young girl who was longing for love, but now she has become a woman who has fallen in love.

But as we all know, once something is involved in the field of music, it must be inseparable from the word "metaphysics".

For a while, Zhao Yinger couldn't be very determined, but she simply felt that compared to the previous, the singing of the hot bar had also changed significantly.

In addition, the first song that Zhao Yinger and Zhang Xiaofan sang on KTV for the first time was the "Elopement to the Moon" which was being sung at this time, so the feeling in this regard is naturally more sensitive than ordinary people. a lot of.

In this way, after singing "Elopement to the Moon", the hot bar also paused. After singing five songs in succession, this also caused her to be dissatisfied with fine sweat on her forehead, and some lived along her. The par value has flowed down.

However, now the hot bar has also been replaced with a new pair, a white blouse and a pair of light blue jeans, which looks quite simple and capable of urban girls.

At this moment, there is already a lot of enthusiasm in the stadium, and many fans are screaming ‘Hot Bar’.

Indeed, the hot and fragrant sweat is obviously more moving than it was just now, and it contains a kind of Beiyang charm.

"Thank you very much for coming to my meeting today. I have carefully selected the music for this evening. I hope you all like it ..."

Hot bar, holding the microphone in hand, sweetly.

As soon as the words fell, all the fans in the audience cheered again.

Because the first few songs except the little love song "Elope to the Moon", the remaining four capitals belong to the Chinese style, so the hot bar gives the impression that it is quite elegant and quiet, even if there is a meeting, and The time for live fan interaction is relatively limited.

Because of this, the hot bar suddenly opened, and the mood of the fans in the audience became more and more high.

"In order to thank you for your support, I hope to invite an audience from the audience to come and sing a song with me. I don't know if any of my friends are willing to come on stage?"

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